エドワード・ジョンストン著 ; 遠山由美訳
朗文堂 2005.2
Edward Johnston ; illustrated by the author and Noel Rooke
Dover Publications 1995
by Edward Johnston ; transcribed by John C. Tarr from the imprint, 1913
Ten Speed Press 1991 1st hardcover ed
Edward Johnston ; edited by Heather Child & Justin Howes
L. Humphries 1986 1st ed
by Edward Johnston ; with diagrams and illustrations by the author and Noel Rooke
A & C Black , Taplinger 1983
by John Dreyfus
University Printing House c1966
Edward Johnston ; mit Illustrationen vom Verfasser und Noel Rooke ; übersetzung aus dem Englschen von Anna Simons
Klinkhardt & Biermann [1955?] 5 Aufl. Technische Handbücher für das Kunstgewerbe
by Edward Johnston ; with diagrams and illustrations by the author & Noel Rooke
I. Pitman 1944 Rev. and reprinted [ed.] The Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks
John Henry Nash 1929
by Edward Johnston ; with diagrams & illustrations by the author & Noel Rooke ...[]
Isaac Pitman 1927 15th ed The Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks
by Edward Johnston ; with diagrams & illustrations by the author & Noel Rooke
Isaac Pitman 1922 12th ed. The Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks
John Hogg 1917 9th ed The Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks
John Hogg 1915 7th ed. The Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks
by Edward Johnston
[Pitman] 1909
J. Hogg 1908 2nd ed., rev The Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks
John Hogg 1906 The Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks