ダライ ラマ (14世)(ダライ ラマ 14セイ)
Tenzin Gyatso
テンジン, ギャツォ(テンジン, ギャツォ)
テンジン・ギャムツォ(テンジン, ギャムツォ)
Ngawang Lobsang Yishey Tenzing Gyatso, Dalai Lama
Ṅag-dbaṅ-blo-bzaṅ Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho
Pad-dkar-'chaṅ-ba'i-skye-miṅ Rgyal-ba'i-chos-tshul-'dzin-pa Nag-dbaṅ-blo-bzaṅ Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho Srid-gsum-dbaṅ-bsgyur-mtshuṅs-pa-med-pa'i-sde
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edited by David Howarth
Weidenfeld and Nicolson c1962
Available at 10 libraries
Dalai Lama
[The Tibet Society of the U. K.] [1961]
Available at 1 libraries
[Dalai Lama]
[Hyradbad House] [1959]
[Ṅag-dbaṅ-blo-bzaṅ Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho]
[Bśad-zur-rnam-sras-khaṅ-gsar] [1954?]
by the XIV Dalai Lama
Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions [19--] [Microfiche ed.]
Microform (Microfiche)
translated and edited by Brian C. Beresford ... [et al.]
prepared by the Translation Bureau of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Sherpa Tulku, Khamlung Tulku
[s.n.] [19--?]
[s.n.] [19--]
[Pad-dkar-'chaṅ-ba'i-skye-miṅ Rgyal-ba'i-chos-tshul-'dzin-pa Nag-dbaṅ-blo-bzaṅ Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho Srid-gsum-dbaṅ-bsgyur-mtshuṅs-pa-med-pa'i-sde]
[Padma] [19--]
[Ser-lho-dge-bśes-byams-pa-chos-grags] [19--]
[Ser-byes-dge-bśes-bstan-'dzin] : [Byams-pa-chos-grag] [19--]
[s.n.] [1---]
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