ハロルド・フレデリック著 ; 久我俊二訳
慶應義塾大学法学研究会 , 慶應義塾大学出版会 (発売) 2011.7 慶應義塾大学法学研究会叢書 別冊15
慧文社 2008.3
Harold Frederic
Kessinger Pub. [2004]
Harold Frederic ; introduction by Scott Donaldson ; note on the text by Stanton Garner
Penguin Books 1986 Penguin classics
: pbk
Harold Frederic ; edited by Larry Bromley
University of Nebraska Press c1986 The Harold Frederic edition v. 4
Harold Frederic ; text established by Charlyne Dodge ; history of the text by Stanton Garner
University of Nebraska Press c1985 The Harold Frederic edition v. 3
Texas Christian University Press 1981 The Harold Frederic edition v. 2
: hard , : pbk
edited by George E. Fortenberry, Stanton Garner, Robert H. Woodward ; text established by Charlyne Dodge
Texas Christian University Press 1977 The Harold Frederic edition v. 1
AMS Press 1972
by Harold Frederic
AMS Press 1971
Arno Press : New York Times 1970 Russia observed
[Harold Frederic]
Greenwood Press 1969 The major works of Harold Frederic v. 5, The English novels
Greenwood Press 1969 The major works of Harold Frederic v. 4, The later years
Greenwood Press 1969 The major works of Harold Frederic v. 3, Non-fiction
Greenwood Press 1969 The major works of Harold Frederic v. 2, The short stories
Greenwood Press 1969 The major works of Harold Frederic v. 1, American fiction
Garrett Press [1969] The American short story series v. 51
MSS Information Corporation 1969 The American short story series v. 51
Scholarly Press 1968
Gregg Press 1968 Americans in fiction 60