New York (N.Y.). Polytechnic Institute
Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.). Polytechnic Institute of New York
New York University. School of Engineering and Science
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
edited by Aaron Kershenbaum, Manu Malek, and Mark Wall
Plenum Press c1990
edited by Carl Mitcham and Philip Siekevitz
New York Academy of Sciences 1989 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences v. 577
: cloth , : paper
edited by R.F. Drenick and F. Kozin
Springer-Verlag 1982 Lecture notes in control and information sciences 38
: gw , : us
[edited by Frederick R. Eirich]
Polytechnic Press 1977
editor: Paul F. Bruins
Interscience Publishers 1970 Applied polymer symposia no. 15
editor, Paul F. Bruins
Interscience Publishers 1970 Applied polymer symposia no. 14
[host by] Polytechnic University
[publisher not identified] [date of publication not identified]