Becker, M.
Manfred Becker
Schäffer-Poeschel 1999 2.,überarb. und erw. Aufl.
editors: M. Becker, K.-H. Funken, G. Schneider
Springer-Verlag 1992 Solar thermal energy utilization : German studies on technology and application / editor, M. Becker v. 7
: gw , : us
editors, M. Becker, K.-H. Funken, G. Schneider
Springer-Verlag 1992 Solar thermal energy utilization : German studies on technology and application / editor, M. Becker v. 6
editors: M. Becker und K.-H. Funken
Springer-Verlag 1991 Solar thermal energy utilization : German studies on technology and application / editor, M. Becker v. 4
Springer-Verlag 1991 Solar thermal energy utilization : German studies on technology and application / editor, M. Becker
editor, M. Becker
Springer-Verlag 1987-
edited by Manfred Becker and Martin Fiebig
DFVLR Press 1974
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