Dekker, Eduard Douwes
Douwes Dekker, Eduard
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ムルタトゥーリ著 ; 佐藤弘幸訳
めこん 2003.10
Available at 90 libraries
ULAN Press [20--?]
Available at 1 libraries
Multatuli ; verzorgd door A. Kets-Vree
Van Gorcum 1992 Monumenta literaria Neerlandica 6
set , v. 1 , v. 2
ムルタテューリ [著] ; 渋沢元則訳注
大学書林 1989.2
Available at 22 libraries
Multatuli ; toegelicht door G.W. Huygens
Ad. Donker 1988
Multatuli ; translated with notes by Roy Edwards ; introduction by R.P. Meijer
Penguin 1987 Penguin classics
: pbk
Available at 17 libraries
Multatuli, [terjemahan H.B. Jassin]
Djambatan 1985 Cet. 6
Available at 2 libraries
by Multatuli ; translated from the Dutch by W. Siebenhaar ; with an introduction by D.H. Lawrence ; with a foreword by Jaya Wells
Southdene , Distributed by Macmillan 1984
Southdene Sdn Bhd : Distributed by Macmillan 1984
Multatuli ; with an introduction by D.H. Lawrence ; translated by Roy Edwards ; afterword by E.M. Beekman
University of Massachusetts Press 1982 Library of the Indies
Available at 14 libraries
Multatuli ; [terjemahan, H.B. Jassin ; pendahuluan dan anotasi, G. Termorshuizen]
Djambatan 1977 Cetakan 4.
Multatuli ; el la nederlanda tradukis Wouter F. Pilger
Vulpo-libroj 1977
Djambatan 1977 Cet. 4
door Multatuli
Elsevier 1976
Multatuli ; een keuze uit zijn gehele werk door C. Bij
De Arbeiderspers c1974 Grote ABC nr. 217
Multatuli ; verzameld en ingeleid door Garmt Stuiveling
Bert Bakker 1974 3de druk
Multatuli ; terjemahan, H.B. Jassin ; pendahuluan dan anotasi, G. Termorshuizen
Djambatan 1974 Edisi pelajar
translated, edited, annotated, with an introductory essay, by E. M. Beekman
University of Massachusetts Press 1974
Multatuli ; diterjemahkan oleh Asrul Sani ; dengan kata pengantar oleh Gerard Termorshuizen
Pustaka Jaya 1974
Available at 6 libraries
Djambatan c1973
Available at 8 libraries