Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
Shelli, Mėri
Shelley, Mrs.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Mrs.
Shelley, Mary
Shelley, Mary W.
シェリー, メアリー(シェリー, メアリー)
Mary Shelley ; foreword by Rebecca Solnit ; introduction by John Havard
Penguin 2024 Penguin classics , Penguin books . Literature
: [pbk.]
Mary Shelley ; edited by Christopher Washington
W.W. Norton c2023 Norton critical editions
: pbk
Mary Shelley ; retold by C.S. Woolley
Foxton Books 2022 Foxton readers Level 3
: pbk.
メアリー・シェリー原作 ; 松原秀行文 ; 瀧口千恵文 ; 泉雅史絵
ポプラ社 2022.10 ホラー・クリッパー
Mary Shelley ; edited by J. Paul Hunter
W.W. Norton c2022 3rd ed Norton critical editions
Mary Shelley ; adapté en français facile par Sandrine Chein ; [illustrations, Conrado Giusti]
CLE International c2021 Lectures CLE en français facile niveau 4, B2
Mary Shelley ; retold by Helen Holwill ; illustrated by Rohan Eason
Penguin Books 2020 Penguin readers level 5
Mary Shelley ; edited with an introduction and notes by Nick Groom
Oxford University Press 2019 3rd ed Oxford world's classics
Foxton Books 2019 Foxton readers Level 3
Oxford Uniiversity Press 2018 1st ed
Mary Shelley ; introduction and suggestions for further reading by Charlotte Gordon ; how to read Frankenstein and chronology by Charles E. Robinson
Penguin 2018 Penguin classics , Penguin books . Literature
メアリー・シェリー著 ; 市川純訳
彩流社 2018.1
Mary Shelley ; edited by David H. Guston, Ed Finn, and Jason Scott Robert ; managing editors, Joey Eschrich and Mary Drago
The MIT Press c2017
Mary Shelley
Oxford University Press 2017 Oxford children's classics
Mary Shelley ; edited with a foreword and notes by Leslie S. Klinger ; with additional research by Janet Byrne ; introduction by Guillermo Del Toro ; afterword by Anne K. Mellor
Liveright Pub. c2017
: [hbk.]
Mary Shelley ; edited by Johanna M. Smith
Bedford/St. Martin's , Distributed outside North America by Palgrave Macmillan c2016 3rd ed Case studies in contemporary criticism
[Mary Shelley] ; edited by Jeanne Moskal
Routledge 2016 The Pickering masters . { The novels and selected works of Mary Shelley / [Mary Shelley] ; general editor, Nora Crook with Pamela Clemit ; consulting editor, Betty T. Bennett } ; v. 8
[Mary Shelley] ; edited by Pamela Clemit
Routledge 2016 The Pickering masters . { The novels and selected works of Mary Shelley / [Mary Shelley] ; general editor, Nora Crook with Pamela Clemit ; consulting editor, Betty T. Bennett } ; v. 7
[Mary Shelley] ; edited by Fiona Stafford
Routledge 2016 The Pickering masters . { The novels and selected works of Mary Shelley / [Mary Shelley] ; general editor, Nora Crook with Pamela Clemit ; consulting editor, Betty T. Bennett } ; v. 6
[Mary Shelley] ; edited by Doucet Devin Fischer
Routledge 2016 The Pickering masters . { The novels and selected works of Mary Shelley / [Mary Shelley] ; general editor, Nora Crook with Pamela Clemit ; consulting editor, Betty T. Bennett } ; v. 5