Shamasastry, Rudrapatna
Rudrapatna Shamasastry
Shama Sastri, Rudrapatna
Rudrapatna Shama Sastri
Shamasastry, R.
Sastri, Rudrapatna Shama
Sastri, R. Shama (Rudrapatna Shama)
edited by R. Shama Sastri
Meharchand Lachhmandas 2015 Rev. ed Panini Vaidika granthamala 3
translated by R. Shamasastry ; edited by V. Narain
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan 2005 1st C.S.P. ed The Vrajajivan Indological studies 50
v. 1 , v. 2
श्रीयाज्ञिकदेवणभट्टोपाधयायरचिता = by Devana-Bhatta ; edited by L. Srinivasacharya
नाग प्रकाशक 1988
: set , 1 , 2 , 3
translated by R. Shamasastry ; with an introductory note, by J. F. Fleet
Padam Printers 1988 9th ed
with the commentaries, Tribhāṣyaratna of Somayārya and Vaidikābharaṇa of Gārgya Gopāla Yajvan ; with an English introduction, and Sanskrit introduction by K. Raṅgācārya ; edited by R. Shama Sastri and K. Rangacarya = Somayāryaviracita-Tribhāṣyaratnākhyavyākhyayā Gārgyagopālayajvaviracita-vaidikābharaṇākhyavyākhyayā ca sahitam āṅglabhūmikayā, kastūriraṅgācāryapraṇītayā saṃskr̥tabhūmikayā ca samupabr̥ṃhitam, sūtrasthapadānukramopetaṃ ca ; Āra. Śāmaśāstriṇā, Raṅgācāryeṇa ca sampāditam
Motilal Banarsidass 1985
प्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनालयः 1983 3rd ed Oriental Research Institute series no. 141
Panini : sole-distributors, Meharchand Lachhmandas 1982 Panini Vaidika granthamala 3
R. Shamasashtry
Ganga Publications , distributors, Classical Publications & Distributors 1979
by R. Shamasastry
Bharati-Prakashan 1973
translated by late Mahamahopadhyaya, Arthasastravisarada, Vidyalankara, Panditaraja, R. Shamasastry ; with an introductory note by the late, J.F. Fleet
Mysore Printing and Publishing House 1967 8th ed
R. Shamasastry
M. S. Srinivas 1967 2nd ed
Mysore Printing and Publishing House 1960 6th ed
by Rāmānujācārya ; ed. by R. Shama Shastry ; critically edited with introduction and appendices by K.S. Ramaswami Sastri, Śiromaṇi
Oriental Institute 1956 2nd ed Gaekwad's oriental series 24
translated by Mahamahopadhyaya, Arthasastravisarada, Vidyalankara, Panditaraja, R. Shamasastry ; with an introductory note by J.F. Fleet
printed at Sri Raghuveer Printing Press 1956 5th ed
translated by R. Shamasastry ; with an introductory note by J. F. Fleet
printed at Sri Raghuveer Print. Press 1951 4th ed
カウティルヤ [著] ; 中野義照訳
生活社 1944.3
edited, with his own English translation and Sanskrit commentary by R. Shamasastry
Printed by the asst. supt., Govt. Branch Press 1936
translated by R. Shamasastry ; with an introductory note by J.F. Fleet
Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press 1929 3rd ed
प्रतापरुद्रमहादेवमहाराजविरचितः = The Sarasvativilasa of Sri Prataparudramahadeva Maharaja : Vyavaharakanda
Printed at the Government Branch Press 1927 University of Mysore, Oriental Library publications Sanskrit series ; no. 71
Someśvaradeva viracitaḥ = Abhilashitarthachintamani of Someswara Deva ; edited by R. Shama Sastry
University of Mysore 1926- University of Mysore, Oriental Library publications Sanskrit series ; no. 69
pt. 1