Abbott, E. A. (Edwin Abbott)
Abbott, Edwin A. (Edwin Abbott)
Square, A
アボット, エドウィン・A.(アボット, エドウィン A)
アボット, エドウィン・アボット(アボット, エドウィン・アボット)
A. Square (Edwin A. Abbott)
Penguin Classics 2020 Penguin classics . Science Fiction , Penguin books
: pbk
エドウィン・アボット・アボット著 ; 竹内薫訳 ; アイドゥン・ブユクタシ写真
講談社 2017.5 講談社選書メチエ 650
Edwin Abbott Abbott ; with an introduction by Thomas Banchoff
Princeton University Press 2015 Princeton science library
: pbk.
[Edwin A. Abbott ... [et al.], texts; Sarah Moon, photographs]
Actes Sud , Hermès c2014
[curator, Solveig Øvstebø ; text, Edwin Abbott Abbott, Emmanuelle Dauplay, Italo Calvino]
Sternberg Press , Bergen Kunsthall [2011]
Edwin Abbott ; edited by Lila Marz Harper
Broadview Press c2010 Broadview editions
by Edwin A. Abbott ; an edition with notes and commentary by William F. Lindgren, Thomas F. Banchoff
Mathematical Association of America , Cambridge University Press 2010
: hbk
by E. A. Abbott
[s.n.] [2010]
: [pbk]
エドウィン・アボット・アボット著 ; 冨永星訳
日経BP社 , 日経BP出版センター (発売) 2009.3
Edwin A. Abbott ; with contributions by Thomas Banchoff ... [et al.]
Princeton University Press c2008 Movie ed.
Edwin A. Abbott ; edited with an introduction and notes by Rosemary Jann
Oxford University Press 2006 Oxford world's classics
E.A. Abbott
Dover Publications 2003, c1870
Edwin A. Abbott ; introduction and notes by Ian Stewart
Perseus Pub. c2002
illustrations by the author, A Square (Edwin A. Abbott) ; foreword by Isaac Asimov . by Dionys Burger ; translated from the Dutch by Cornelie J. Rheinboldt ; foreword by Isaac Asimov
Quill 2001 A HarperResource book
by E.A. Abbott
Kessinger [200-?] Kessinger Publishing's rare mystical reprints
: [pbk.]
[Edwin Abbott ; Deutsch von Joachim Kalka]
Renate Götz 1999 1. Aufl
by A. Square (Edwin A. Abbott) ; with illustrations by the author and an introduction by Alan Lightman
Penguin Books c1998 Penguin classics
illustrations by the author, A Square(Edwin A. Abbott) . by Dionys Burger
HarperPerennial 1994
Edwin A. Abbott
Oneworld c1994
アボット著 ; 石崎阿砂子, 江頭満寿子訳
東京図書 1992.9