Dov Chernichovsky, Robert E.B. Lucas, Eva Mueller
World Bank c1985 World Bank staff working papers no. 715
: pbk
Eva Mueller, with Judith Hybels ... [et al.]
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan c1969
George Katona, Eva Mueller
Brookings Institution c1968 Studies of government finance
by John B. Lansing, Eva Mueller ; with the assistance of Nancy Barth, William Ladd, Jane Lean
Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan 1967
by George Katona, Charles A. Lininger, Eva Mueller
Univ. of Michigan [c1965] Monograph (University of Michigan. Survey Research Center) no.39
by John B. Lansing and Eva Mueller with Nancy Barth
Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, the University of Michigan
by Eva Mueller and Jay Schmiedeskamp
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research 1962 Studies in employment and unemployment
by Eva Mueller, Arnold Wilken, and Margaret Wood
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan c1961 Survey research series no. 22
by George Katona and Eva Mueller
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan c1953 Publication / Survey Research Center no. 12