ホルンスタイナー, メアリー ラセリス
Hollnsteiner, Mary
Racelis, Mary
Mary Racelis and Angela Desiree M. Aguirre with Liane Peña-Alampay ... [et al.]
Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University , UNICEF, Innocenti Research Centre c2005 Innocenti insight / UNICEF
edited by Aram A. Yengoyan and Perla Q. Makil ; with an introduction by Mary Racelis
Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University c2004 Rev. ed
: pbk
Mary Racelis, Judy Celine Ick, editors
Anvil c2001
by Guy Gran ; foreword by Mary Racelis Hollnsteiner
Praeger 1983
Mary Racelis Hollnsteiner
United Nations University c1979 UNUP 115 . HSDRSCA ; 15
edited by Mary Racelis Hollnsteiner ; with the special assistance of Marie S. Fernandez
Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University c1979
Emma Porio, Frank Lynch, Mary Hollnsteiner
Ateneo de Manila University, Institute of Philippine Culture c1978 IPC papers 12
Donald Denise Decaesstecker ; foreword by Mary Racelis Hollnsteiner
U.S.T. Press 1978
メアリー・ラセリス・ホルンスタイナー編 ; 山本まつよ訳
めこん 1977.3 シリーズ・アジアのこころ 3
文遊社 1977.3 シリーズ・アジアのこころ 3
Anna Miren Gonzalez, Mary Racelis Hollnsteiner
Ateneo de Manila University, Institute of Philippine Culture 1976
Cristina Montiel [and] Mary Racelis Hollnsteiner
Institute of Philippine Culture at Manila University 1976
IPC, Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University [1976] IPC reprint no. 7
Mary R. Hollnsteiner
IPC, Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University [1975] IPC reprint no. 8
edited by Mary Racelis Hollnsteiner ; with Maria Elena B. Chiong , Anicia A. Paglinauan , Nora S. Villaunueva
Ateneo de Manila, Institute of Philippine Culture 1975
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
submitted to the Philippine Social Science Council by the Institute of Philippine Culture in April 1975 ; Emma Porio, Frank Lynch, Mary R. Hollnsteiner
Ateneo de Manila University, Institute of Philippine Culture [1975]
by Mary R. Hollnsteiner
In-house reproduction) [manufacture]
Community Development Research Council, University of the Philippines 1963
Ateneo de Manila University Press 1961 IPC papers no. 1
[University of the Philippines] [1960]