Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham
Buckingham, George Villiers, 2nd Duke of
Person of honour
D. of B. (Duke of Buckingham)
B., D. of (Duke of Buckingham)
Buckingham, Duke of (George Villiers)
George, Duke of Buckingham
Villiers, George
Villiers, G.
edited in two volumes by Robert D. Hume and Harold Love ; including Sir Politick Would-be edited by Wallace Kirsop ; and translated by H. Gaston Hall
Oxford University Press 2007
: set , v. 1 , v. 2
edited by Christine Phipps
Garland Pub. 1985 The Renaissance imagination v. 13
Sir Robert Howard and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham ; edited by Arthur H. Scouten and Robert D. Hume
Dent 1976 Everyman's university library
D. E. L. Crane
University of Durham 1976 University of Durham publications
Dent 1976
George Villiers . George Gascoigne ; preceded by George Whetstone . John Earle . Hugh Latimer
AMS Press 1966 English reprints v. 3
with an introduction by Brice Harris
Random House c1953 Modern Library college editions T79
Modern Library [1953] The modern library of the world's best books 287
edited by A.G. Barnes
Methuen 1927
George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham ; ed. by Montague Summers
Shakespeare Head Press 1914
George Villiers, Second Duke of Buckingham ; carefully edited by Edward Arber
[s.n.] 1869 Large paper ed. English reprints / edited by Edward Arber
George Villiers . George Gascoigne ; preceded by George Whetstone's A remembrance of the well imployed life, and godly end of George Gascoigne Esquire, &c. . John Earle
[s.n.] 1868 English reprints / edited by Edward Arber no. 10-12
George Villiers . George Gascoigne . John Earle
A. Murray 1869 English reprints / carefully edited by Edward Arber
George Villiers ; edited by Edward Arber
Constable 1902 English reprints / edited by Edward Arber
Albert Saifer 1868 English reprints
George Villiers, Second Duke of Buckingham . George Gascoigne . John Earle . Master Hugh Latimer
[s.n.] 1868 English reprints / edited by Edward Arber no.10-13
as written by George, Late Duke of Buckingham
John Bell 1796 British theatre Vol. 20
by His grace the Duke of Buckingham
Printed for the proprietors, under the direction of John Bell, British Library, Strand ... 1791
by Joseph Addison
Printed for the proprietors, under the direction of John Bell, British Library, Strand, Bookseller to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales 1791-1793
. . . .
Printed for W. Lowndes, S. Bladon, W. Nicoll ... [et al.] 1755-1790 Plays 5