Furnivall, John Sydenham
ファーニヴァル, J. S.(ファーニヴァル, J. S.)
Phānībailʿ, Gye-ʾAkʿcʿ
J.S. Furnivall
Cambridge University Press 2014 Cambridge library collection . East and South-East Asian history
by J.S. Furnivall ; [with an introduction by A.C.D. de Graeff]
Cambridge University Press 2010 Cambridge library collection
: pbk
龍溪書舎 2002.5 復刻版 20世紀日本のアジア関係重要研究資料 1 . 東亜研究所刊行物||トウア ケンキュウジョ カンコウブツ ; 第4期 57
by J.S. Furnivall
American Council of Learned Societies [200-?] ACLS history e-book project reprint series
John S. Furnivall ; edited by Gehan Wijeyewardene
Published in association with the Economic History of Southeast Asia Project and the Thai-Yunnan Project 1991 Occasional paper of the Department of Anthropology, Research School of Pacific Studies, the Australian National University
by J. S. Furnivall ; with an introduction by Jonkheer Mr. A. C. D. de Graeff
AMS Press [1983]
J. S. Furnivall著 ; 周憲文譯
臺灣銀行 1979.8 經濟學名著翻譯叢書 第132種
by J. S. Furnivall
AMS Press 1978 1st AMS ed International research series
by J. S. Furnivall ; with a supplement on Training for native self-rule by Bruno Lasker
AMS Press 1978 1st AMS ed
by J.S. Furnivall ; with an introduction by Jonkheer Mr.A.C.D. de Graeff
B.M. Israël 1976
Solidaridad Pub. House 1974
by J.S. Furnivall ; with an introduction by A.C.D. De Graeff
Cambridge University Press 1967 Cambridge University Press library editions
[by J.S. Furnivall] ; တက္ကသိုလ်အောင်ခင်ဦး မြန်မာပြန်သည်
အောင်မြေစာပေ 1967 အောင်မြေစာပေ 27
At the University Press 1967 [1st ed.] reprinted Cambridge University Press library editions
compiled by J. S. Furnivall and completed by W. S. Morrison
Supt., Govt. Print. and Stationery, Burma 1963 Rep. ed.
by Maung Maung ; foreword by J.S. Furnivall
M. Nijhoff 1961 2nd ed., rev. and enl
ဒေါက်တာ ဂျေ-အက်စ်-ဖာနီဗဲလ် နှင့် ဒေါက်တာ ဖေမောင်တင်
မြန်မာနိုင်ငံသုတေသနအသင်း 1960 Sutesana cā cañʿ sacʿ 2
ဂျေ-အက်စ်-ဖာနီဗဲလ် နှင့် ဖေမောင်တင် တည်းပြတ်နိဒါန်းရေးသည်
မြန်မာနိုင်ငံသုတေသနအသင်း 1960 Su te sa na ʾa saṅʻʺ cā cañʻ sacʻ 2
Gyeʾakʿcʿ Phā nī bai nhaṅʿʹ Phe Moṅʿ Taṅʿ taññʿʺ pratʿ ni dānʿ reʺ saññʿ
Mranʿ mā nuiṅʿʹ ṅaṃ su te sa na ʿa saṅʿʺ 1960 Sutesana cā cañʿ sacʿ 2
Dok`tā Gyeʾ-Akʿcʿ Phānībail` nhaṅʿʹ Dok`tā Phe Moṅʿ Taṅʿ taññʿʺ pratʿ ni dānʿ reʺ saññʿ
Mranʿ mā Nuiṅʿʹ ṅaṃ Sutesana ʿA saṅʿʺ 1960 1 'a krim` သုတေသန အသင်း စာစဉ်သစ် no. 2