Mac Marshall
University of Hawaiʻi Press c2013
Westview c2004 Westview case studies in anthropology
: hbk , : pbk
edited by Robert C. Kiste and Mac Marshall
University of Hawai'i Press c1999
Mac Marshall and Leslie B. Marshall
Wadsworth Pub. Co. c1990 The Wadsworth modern anthropology library
edited by Mac Marshall, John L. Caughey
American Anthropological Association c1989 A special publication of the American Anthropological Association no. 25
edited by Mac Marshall
Univertsity Press of America c1983 ASAO monograph no. 8
: pbk.
Mac Marshall, editor
Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research c1982 Monograph / Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research 18
University Microfilms International c1981 UMI monographs : imprint series no. 8
Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research 1981 IASER discussion paper no. 37
Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research [1980] IASER discussion paper no. 33
Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research 1980 IASER discussion paper no. 33
Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research 1980 IASER discussion paper no. 30
Mayfield Pub. Co. 1979 1st ed Explorations in world ethnology
by Mac Marshall and James D. Nason
HRAF Press 1975