Ulf Bernitz ... [et al.]
Norstedts juridik c2023 16. uppl
edited by Ulf Bernitz
W. Kluwer c2020 European monographs v. 112
edited by Sybe de Vries, Ulf Bernitz and Stephen Weatherill
Hart 2018, c2015 Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law v. 20
: pb
Hart 2015 Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law v. 20
edited by Ulf Bernitz, Xavier Groussot, Felix Schulyok
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business c2013 European monographs 84
Hart 2013 Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law v. 15
edited by Ulf Bernitz and Wolf-Georg Ringe
Oxford University Press 2010 1st ed
edited by Ariel Ezrachi, Ulf Bernitz
Oxford University Press 2009
edited by Ulf Bernitz, Joakim Nergelius, Cecilia Cardner ; in association with Xavier Groussot
Kluwer Law International , Wolters Kluwer Law & Business c2008 European monographs 62
edited by Stephen Weatherill and Ulf Bernitz
Hart Publishing 2007
: hardback
edited by Martin Johansson, Nils Wahl, Ulf Bernitz
Bruylant 2006
Norstedts juridik 2006 9. uppl
Hart 2005
edited by Ulf Bernitz, Joakim Nergelius
Kluwer Law International c2000 European monographs 25
Ulf Bernitz
Juristförlaget c1993 2. uppl
Allmänna förlaget [1990] Statens offentliga utredningar 1990:1
[Text] , Bilaga1-5
Marknadsrättsförlaget , Juristförlaget [distributor] c1987 4., väsentligt omarb. uppl
Ulf Bernitz, John Draper
Institutet för immaterialrätt och marknadsrätt vid Stockholms Universitet c1986 2nd ed Publications / Institute of Intellectual Property and Market Law, Stockholm University no. 12
: pbk
Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law, Stockholm University , distribution in Sweden, Liber Förlag [distribution] , [1984] , c1984 Publications / Institute of Intellectual Property and Market Law, Stockholm University no 26
: Liber
författningar utgivna av Ulf Bernitz och Annika Lokrantz Bernitz
LiberFörlag : Jurist- och Samhällsvetareförbundets Förlag c1981 2. omarbetade uppl Publica . Rätt och samhälle