ケニー, ダン(ケニー, ダン)
篠田正浩監督 ; 遠藤周作, 篠田正浩脚本 ; 遠藤周作原作
Kadokawa (発売・販売) [2017.8]
ビデオレコード (ビデオ (ディスク))
泉鏡花作 ; 宇野亞喜良, 山本タカト画 ; ダン・ケニー訳
エディシオン・トレヴィル , 河出書房新社 (発売) 2016.8
by Don Kenny
檜書店 2004.5 改訂6版
Don Kenny
National Noh Theatre 1999
by Toru Nakanishi ; photos by Kiyonori Komma ; translated by Don Kenny
Hoikusha 1998 4th edition Color books 40
NHK国際局文化プロジェクト, 講談社インターナショナル株式会社編 ; ダン・ケニー訳
講談社インターナショナル 1997.9 Bilingual books 22
by Daiji Maruoka, by Tatsuo Yoshikoshi ; translated by Don Kenny
Hoikusha 1996 16th ed Color books 15
by Sadao Kikuchi ; translated by Don Kenny
Hoikusha 1996 20th ed Color books 5
edited by Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd. ; translated by Don Kenny
Hoikusha 1995 40th ed Color books 17
by Noriyuki Sakikawa ; translated by Eichi Kobayashi ; edited by Don Kenny
Hoikusha 1995 21st ed Color books 6
by Shigeru Aoyama ; translated by Don Kenny & Money L. Hickman
Hoikusha 1995 24th ed Color books 7
by Toyoaki Kawai ; translated by Thomas I. Elliott ; edited by Don Kenny
Hoikusha 1994 40th ed Color books 21
Hoikusha 1993 39th ed Color books 17
by Nobuo Ogasawara ; translated by Don Kenny
Hoikusha 1993 12th ed Color books 22
by Kunihei Wada ; translated by Don Kenny
Hoikusha 1993 10th ed Color books 1
Takeo Fujikawa ; tr. by Don Kenny
Sanyusha [1992]
written by Tokio Oga ; photographs by Koichi Mimura ; translated and edited by Don Kenny
Hoikusha 1992 2nd ed Color books 44
Hoikusha 1992 3rd ed Color books 40
[exhibition was organized by The Japan Festival Committee, The Trustees of the Victoria & Albert Museum, The Japan Foundation]
A de S Publishing Inc. 1992
text , photographs , scrapbook (23 cards)
photographs by Tatsuo Yoshikoshi ; written by Hisashi Hata ; translated and edited by Don Kenny
Hoikusha 1991 2nd ed Color books 39