Liverpool. University. Social Science Dept
University of Liverpool. Dept. of Social Science
University of Liverpool. School of Social Sciences and Administration. Social Science Dept
University of Liverpool. Sociology Dept
edited on behalf of the Social Science Department of Liverpool University by Anthony Forder
Routledge 1998, c1969 International library of sociology 186 . Public policy, welfare and social work ; 6
: set
edited on behalf of the Sociology Department of Liverpool University by John Mays, with Anthony Forder and Olive Keidan
Routledge & K. Paul 1975 9th ed International library of sociology
: hbk , : pbk
Routledge & Paul , Humanities Press 1971 8th ed International library of sociology and social reconstruction / founded by Karl Mannheim ; editor: W.J.H. Sprott
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1969 [New ed.] / edited on behalf of the Social Science Department of Liverpool University by Anthony Forder International library of sociology and social reconstruction / founded by Karl Mannheim ; editor: W.J.H. Sprott v. 53
John Mays, William Quine, Kathleen Pickett
Longmans 1968 Education today
by W.H. Scott ... [et al.]
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
Liverpool University Press 1956 Social research series
Liverpool University Press 1954 Social research series
University of Liverpool, Department of Social Science
University Press of Liverpool 1951
W.H. Scott ; with a preaface by H. Mason Bibby
Univ. of Liverpool 1950
University Press of Liverpool 1939
D. Caradog Jones
University press of Liverpool 1937
[by C. T. Saunders ; with a foreword by D. Caradog Jones]
Daily Post Printers : [University of Liverpool] 1934 The social survey of Merseyside No.8
[contributed by J. E. McCrindell in collaboration with D. Caradog Jones]
University of Liverpool 1932 The social survey of Merseyside No.5
[chiefly contributed by H. J. H. Parker and J. E. McCrindell ; with a foreword by D. Caradog Jones]
University of Liverpool 1932 The social survey of Merseyside No.4
[University of Liverpool] 1931 The social survey of Merseyside no. 3
[with a foreword by D. Caradog Jones]
University of Liverpool 1931 The social survey of Merseyside No.2
University of Liverpool : Daily Post Printers, 1931-
University of Liverpool 1931 The social survey of Merseyside No.1