Bhagwan Dash
ダス, バグワン(ダス, バグワン)
Bhagwan Dash ; assisted by Kanchan Gupta
Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office 2002
v. 1
Sri Satguru Publications 2001 1st ed Indian medical science series no. 26 . Encyclopaedia of Tibetan medicine : being the Tibetan text of Rgyud bźi and Sanskrit restoration of Amṛta Hṛdaya Aṣṭāṅga Guhyopadeśa tantra and expository translation in English / [edited by] Bhagwan Dash ; v. 7
: set
Sri Satguru Publications 1999 1st ed Indian medical science series no. 25 . Encyclopaedia of Tibetan medicine : being the Tibetan text of Rgyud bźi and Sanskrit restoration of Amṛta Hṛdaya Aṣṭāṅga Guhyopadeśa tantra and expository translation in English / [edited by] Bhagwan Dash ; v. 6
Sri Satguru Publications 1998 1st ed Indian medical science series no. 24 . Encyclopaedia of Tibetan medicine : being the Tibetan text of Rgyud bźi and Sanskrit restoration of Amṛta Hṛdaya Aṣṭāṅga Guhyopadeśa tantra and expository translation in English / [edited by] Bhagwan Dash ; v. 5
by Ram Karan Sharma and Bhagwan Dash
Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office 1997 1st ed. चौखम्बा संस्कृत स्टडीज 94
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4
by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash
Concept Publishing 1996
Sri Satguru Publications, a division of Indian Books Centre 1995 Indian medical science series no. 23 . Encyclopaedia of Tibetan medicine : being the Tibetan text of Rgyud bźi and Sanskrit restoration of Amr̥ta Hr̥daya Aṣṭāṅga Guhyopadeśa tantra and expository translation in English / [edited by] Vaidya Bhagwan Dash ; v. 4
Sri Satguru Publications 1995 1st ed Indian medical science series no. 23 . Encyclopaedia of Tibetan medicine : being the Tibetan text of Rgyud bźi and Sanskrit restoration of Amṛta Hṛdaya Aṣṭāṅga Guhyopadeśa tantra and expository translation in English / [edited by] Bhagwan Dash ; v. 4
Sri Satguru Publications 1995 1st ed Indian medical science series no. 22 . Encyclopaedia of Tibetan medicine : being the Tibetan text of Rgyud bźi and Sanskrit restoration of Amṛta Hṛdaya Aṣṭāṅga Guhyopadeśa tantra and expository translation in English / [edited by] Bhagwan Dash ; v. 3
Sri Satguru Publications 1994 1st ed Indian medical science series no. 21 . Encyclopaedia of Tibetan medicine : being the Tibetan text of Rgyud bźi and Sanskrit restoration of Amṛta Hṛdaya Aṣṭāṅga Guhyopadeśa tantra and expository translation in English / [edited by] Bhagwan Dash ; v. 2
Sri Satguru Publications 1994 1st ed Indian medical science series no. 20 . Encyclopaedia of Tibetan medicine : being the Tibetan text of Rgyud bźi and Sanskrit restoration of Amṛta Hṛdaya Aṣṭāṅga Guhyopadeśa tantra and expository translation in English / [edited by] Bhagwan Dash ; v. 1
[edited and translated by] Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya Lalitesh Kashyap
Concept Pub. Co. 1994 Ṭoḍarānanda-Āyurveda saukhyaṁ series no. 9
Sri Satguru Publications 1994 1st ed Indian medical science series no. 17
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash
Sri Satguru Publications 1994 1st ed Indian medical science series no. 18
by Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash
Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office 1992 3rd ed चौखम्बा संस्कृत स्टडीज 94
Cocept Publishing Co. 1992 Ṭoḍarānanda-Āyurveda saukhyaṁ series no. 8
Bhagwan Dash & Doboom Tulku
Sri Satguru Publications 1991 1st ed Indian medical science series no. 13
バグワン・ダス, マンフレッド・ジュニアス著 ; 幡井勉 [ほか] 訳
平河出版社 1990.7
[edited by], Ramchandra Sastri Kinjwadekar ; English introduction by Bhagwan Dash
Sri Satguru Publications 1990 2nd ed Indian medical science series no. 10-12
swasthavritam(sūtra ṣṭhāna) , sarirasthanam(śārīra ṣṭhāna) , nidanasthanam(nidāna ṣṭhāna)
Hind Pocket Books 1989 3rd rev. pbk. ed