Flugel, John Carl
Flügel, J. C.
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ed. by J.C. Flugel
H.K. Lewis 1948
Available at 1 libraries
vol. 1
by J.C. Flugel ; with two essays by Ingeborg Flugel
International universities press c1947
by J.C. Flugel
International Universities Press c1945
Gerald Duckworth 1945
Available at 16 libraries
Available at 14 libraries
von J.C. Flugel
E. Klett [194-?] Erziehungswissenschaftliche Bücherei Reihe 8 . Pädagogische Menschenkunde
by J.C. Flügell
Hogarth Press : Institute of Psycho-Analysis 1935 5th ed The international psycho-analytical library no. 3
Available at 3 libraries
by J. C. Flugel ; with two essays by Ingeborg Flugel
Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner 1934
Available at 4 libraries
by René Guyon ; translated from the French by J.C. and Ingeborg Flugel ; with an introduction and notes by Norman Haire
J. Lane the Bodley Head 1933 The international library of sexology and psychology / edited by Norman Haire
by J. C. Flugei
Duckworth 1933 2nd ed. with additional part on developments, 1933-1947 Duckworth's 100 years series
by J. C. Flugel
Duckworth 1933 Duckworth's 100 years series
Available at 26 libraries
by J.C. Flügel
V. Gollancz 1932 The outline series
Leonard and Virginia Woolf and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis 1931 4th ed. The international psycho-analytical library no. 3
Available at 2 libraries
J.C. Flugel
Hogarth Press 1930 The international psycho-analytical library no. 18
Available at 29 libraries
Leonard and Virginia Woolf and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis 1929 3rd ed. The international psycho-analytical library no. 3
The University Press 1928 The British journal of psychology : monograph supplements 13
International Psycho-Analytical Press 1921 International psycho-analytical library no. 3
Available at 5 libraries