Garnett, Richard



Garnett, R.


検索結果134件中 1-20 を表示

  • Sea pictures : opus 37 song-cycle for contralto & orchestra

    Edward Elgar ; words by Roden Noel [and four others]

    Boosey & Hawkes 1999 New edition

    楽譜(印刷) (ミニチュアスコア)


  • English literature : an illustrated record

    by Richard Garnett and Edmund Gosse

    Hon-No-Tomosha 1997

    :set , v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4


  • Poems

    by Robert Browning ; with introdvction by Richard Garnett and illvstrations by Byam Shaw

    Bell & Hyman c1979


  • Life of Thomas Carlyle

    by Richard Garnett

    AMS Press 1979 1st AMS ed


  • Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson

    by Richard Garnett

    Folcroft Library Eds. 1974

    : lib. bdg


  • Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson

    by Richard Gernett

    Haskell House 1974


  • Browning's essay on Shelley : being his introduction to the spurious Shelley letters

    edited, with an introduction, by Richard Garnett

    Folcroft Library Editions 1973


  • William Blake : painter and poet

    by Richard Garnett

    Haskell House 1971


  • Life of John Milton

    AMS Press [1970]


  • Iphigenia on Delphi

    R. Garnett

    Readex [197-?] [Reformat] 19th century English drama

    マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)


  • The white dragon

    by Richard Garnett ; illustrated by Graham Oakley

    Penguin 1970 Puffin books


  • Goldsmith : selected works

    chosen by Richard Garnett

    Harvard University Press 1951 The Reynard library


  • Goldsmith : selected works

    chosen by Richard Garnett

    Rupert Hart-Davis 1950 The Reynard library


  • The British Museum catalogue of printed books, 1881-1900

    published under the auspices of a committee of the Association of research libraries

    J. W. Edwards 1946

    1 A to Agd , 2 Age to Antu , 3 Antw to Azz , 4 B to Bede , 5 Bedf to Bibla , 6 Bible , 7 Bible to Boyc , 8 Boyd to Bz , 9 C to Caw , 10 Caxa to Cicero,M.T. , 11 Cicero,Q.T. to Conr , 12 Cons to Czy , 13 D to Die , 14 Dif to Dzy , 15 E to Engl , 16 England , 17 Engl to Ezzo , 18 F to Foster , 19 Fosterl to Frib , 20 Fric to Genti , 21 Gentl to Gowg , 22 Gowi to Gz , 23 H to Hawkers , 24 Hawkes to Hippocras , 25 Hippocrat to Horat , 26 Horatz to Hz , 27 I(J) to Ilium , 28 Illa to Izz , 29 K to Kz , 30 L to Lea , 31 Leb to Lindem , 32 Linden to Locke , 33 Lockel to Lz , 34 M to Mark , 35 Marl to Mendt , 36 Mene to Molla , 37 Molle to Mz , 38 N to Nyx , 39 O to Ozz , 40 P to Period , 41 Periodical to Publicat , 42 Periodico to Platn , 43 Plato to Preso , 44 Press to Qwi , 45 R to Ribel , 46 Riber to Romd , 47 Rome to Rzy , 48 S to Schafe , 49 Schaff to Scup , 50 Scur to Singing , 51 Singl to Spvt , 52 Sq to Sz , 53 T to Thrad , 54 Thrae to Tz , 55 U(V) to Victori , 56 Victoria to Uz , 57 W to Wilb , 58 Wilg to Zz


  • The twilight of the Gods and other tales

    by Richard Garnett

    Watts 1940 The thinker's library no. 81


  • English literature : an illustrated record

    by Richard Garnett and Edmund Gosse

    Macmillan 1935 New ed

    I and II , III and IV


  • The Diary of Samuel Pepys

    notes by Lord Braybrooke ; introduction by Richard Garnett

    Dent 1933 Dent's double volumes


  • A history of Italian literature

    by Richard Garnett

    D. Appleton 1928 Appleton dollar library


  • The twilight of the gods

    by Richard Garnett ; with an introduction by T.E. Lawrence

    J. Lane 1927 The week-end library


  • The twilight of the gods : and other tales

    Richard Garnett ; with an introd. by T. E. Lawrence

    A. A. Knopf 1926 Blue jade library


