Seigle, Cecilia Segawa

検索結果24件中 1-20 を表示

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  • Into a black sun

    Takeshi Kaiko ; translated by Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Kurodahan Press 2017


  • Ōoku : the secret world of the Shogun's women

    Cecilia Segawa Seigle and Linda H. Chance

    Cambria Press c2014


  • Le printemps des délices : art érotique du Japon

    Chris Uhlenbeck et Margarita Winkel ; textes de Ellis Tinios, Cecilia Segawa Seigle et Oikawa Shigeru ; coordination, Amy Reigle Newland ; traduction de l'anglais, Marianne Bouvier

    Philippe Rey c2005


  • Japanese erotic fantasies : sexual imagery of the Edo period

    Chris Uhlenbeck and Margarita Winkel with contributions by Ellis Tinios, Cecilia Segawa Seigle, Oikawa Shigeru ; editor, Amy Reigle Newland

    Hotei Pub. c2005


  • A courtesan's day : hour by hour

    essays by Cecilia Segawa Seigle ... [et al.] ; with assistance from Kodaira Takashi and Ishigami Hidemi

    Hotei c2004 Famous Japanese prints series 2


  • The temple of dawn

    Yukio Mishima ; translated from the japanese by E. Dale Saunders and Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Vintage 2001, c1973 Vintage classics . The sea of fertility, a cycle of four novels ; [3]


  • The temple of dawn

    Yukio Mishima ; translated from the Japanese by E. Dale Saunders and Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Tuttle Publishing 2000 8th printing The sea of fertility : a cycle of four novels / Yukio Mishima


  • Yoshiwara : the glittering world of the Japanese courtesan

    Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    University of Hawaii Press c1993


  • Into a black sun

    Takeshi Kaiko ; translated by Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Fontana/Collins in association with Kodansha International 1990



  • The temple of dawn

    Yukio Mishima ; translated from the Japanese by E. Dale Saunders and Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Vintage Books 1990 The sea of fertility : a cycle of four novels [3]


  • Five thousand runaways

    stories by Takeshi Kaiko ; translated from the Japanese by Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Peter Owen 1990


  • Darkness in summer

    Takeshi Kaiko ; translated by Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    P. Owen 1988, c1973


  • Five thousand runaways

    stories by Takeshi Kaiko ; translated from the Japanese by Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Dodd, Mead & Co. c1987 1st ed


  • Into a black sun

    Takeshi Kaiko ; translated by Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Kodansha International , Distributed in the US by Kodansha International/USA through Harper & Row 1983, c1980 1st pbk. ed

    : pbk , : Japan : pbk


  • Into a black sun

    Takeshi Kaiko ; translated by Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Kodansha International , Distributed in the US by Kodansha International/USA through Harper & Row 1980 1st ed

    : hc , : pbk , : ja, pbk


  • The temple of dawn

    Yukio Mishima ; translated from the Japanese by E. Dale Saunders and Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Penguin 1977 Penguin books


  • The family

    Shimazaki Toson ; translated and with an introduction by Cecila Segawa Seigle

    University of Tokyo Press c1976 Unesco collection of representative works Japanese ser.

    : Japan , : Japan, pbk


  • The temple of dawn

    Yukio Mishima ; translated from the Japanese by E. Dale Saunders and Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Washington Square Press [1975], c1973 A Washington Square Press book

    : pbk


  • Darkness in summer

    by Takeshi Kaiko ; translated from the Japanese by Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Tuttle Pub. 1974, c1973 1st Tuttle ed Tuttle classics

    : us , : Japan


  • The temple of dawn

    Yukio Mishima ; translated from the Japanese by E. Dale Saunders and Cecilia Segawa Seigle

    Secker & Warburg 1974, c1973


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