Michigan. University. Museum of Anthropology
ミシガン大学人類学博物館(ミシガン ダイガク ジンルイガク ハクブツカン)
ミシガン大学. 人類学博物館(ミシガン ダイガク ジンルイガク. ハクブツカン)
by Abbas Alizadeh ; with a foreword by Henry T. Wright
Regents of the University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology 1992 Technical reports no. 24
edited by Joyce Marcus
University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology 1990 Anthropological papers / Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan no. 84
by Sarunas Milisauskas
Regents of the University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology : Available from Publications Office, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan 1986 Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan no. 19
: pbk
Carolyn Copeland
University of Michigan, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies 1980 Michigan papers on South and Southeast Asia no. 18
introduction and catalogue by Kamer Aga-Oglu
University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology c1975
University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology c1972
by Albert C. Spaulding
Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan 1956 Occasional contributions from the Museum of Anthropology of the University of Michigan no. 16
Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan
University of Michigan Press
Museum of Anthropology, the University of Michigan