edited by René Taton and Curtis Wilson
Cambridge University Press 2009, c1995 The general history of astronomy / general editor, Michael A. Hoskin v. 2 . Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics / edited by René Taton and Curtis Wilson ; pt. B
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Cambridge University Press 2003, c1989 The general history of astronomy / general editor, Michael A. Hoskin v. 2 . Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics / edited by René Taton and Curtis Wilson ; pt. A
François De Gandt ; translated by Curtis Wilson
Princeton University Press 1995
Cambridge University Press 1995 The general history of astronomy / general editor, Michael A. Hoskin v. 2
pt. B
Cambridge University Press 1989 The general history of astronomy / general editor, Michael A. Hoskin v. 2 . Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics / edited by René Taton and Curtis Wilson ; pt. A
Curtis Wilson
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by Mortimer J. Adler and Peter Wolff ; preface by Curtis Wilson
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University of Wisconsin Press 1956 The University of Wisconsin publications in medieval science 3