Barbey, B. (Bruno)
ジェミア&J・M・G・ル・クレジオ著 ; 村野美優訳
思潮社 2012.3
Bruno Barbey
Cajasol [c2008]
Bruno Barbey ; with texts by and for Jemia and J.M.G. Le Clézio ; [translated from the French by David H. Wilson]
Thames & Hudson 2003
Bruno Barbey ; textes de Tahar Ben Jelloun
Éditions de la Martinière c2002
photography by Bruno Barbey ; text by Tahar Ben Jellou ; translated from the French by Toula Ballas
Harry N. Abrams 2002
texte de Jean-Luc Moreau ; photographies du Paris d'aujourd'hui Bruno Barbey
Chêne c2001
Jemia et J.M.G. Le Clézio ; photographies de Bruno Barbey
Gallimard [1999], c1997 Collection Folio 3284
introduction par Annick Cojean
Centre national de la photographie c1999 Photo poche 84
[photographies de Bruno Barbey ... et al.]
Terrail c1998 Terrail photo 201
: [France]
Terrail c1998 Terrail photo 198
Jemia et J.M.G. Le Clézio ; photopraphies de Bruno Barbey
Stock c1997
Dieter Bachmann and Daniel Schwartz ; with a foreword by Claudio Magris
Thames and Hudson c1996
photographies de Bruno Barbey ; textes de Tahar Ben Jelloun et de Mohamed Bennouna ; Légendes de Catherine et Ali Amahan
Imprimerie nationale c1996
written and designed by Leonard Lueras ; photographed by R. Ian Lloyd ; with additional photographs by Bruno Barbey ... [et al.]
Times Editions 1987
herausgegeben von Karl Dedecius ; fotografiert von Bruno Barbey
Hoffmann und Campe c1982 Ein Merian-Buch
textes de Charles-Henri Favrod ; projet de René Burri, réalisé en collaboration avec Bruno Barbey
Magnum photos 1982 Collection La Mémoire de l'œil 3
by Dom Moraes and the editors of Time-Life Books ; photographs by Bruno Barbey
Time-Life Books c1979 The Great cities
[written by René Maheu and by Jean Boissel ; photographed by Bruno Barbey ; translated by Mary Fradier]
Éditions J.A. c1976 Grands livres