Ilya Gershevitch ; selected and edited by Nicholas Sims-Williams
L. Reichert 1985 Beiträge zur Iranistik Bd. 12
edited by Ilya Gershevitch
Cambridge University Press 1985 The Cambridge history of Iran v. 2
by Richard T. Hallock ; with a preface by Ilya Gershevitch
Middle East Centre, University of Cambridge c1971 The Cambridge history of Iran v. 2 . The Median and Achaemenian periods / edited by Ilya Gershevitch
by Martin Schwartz
Lund Humphries [1970] Asia Major library . W.B. Henning memorial volume / [edited by Mary Boyce and Ilya Gershevitch]
[edited by Mary Boyce and Ilya Gershevitch]
Lund Humphries 1970 Asia Major library
[Ilya Gershevitch]
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
mit Beiträgen von Ilya Gershevitch ... [et al.]
E.J. Brill 1968 Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies Abt. 1 . Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten / herausgegeben von B. Spuler ; Bd. 4 . Iranistik ; 2. Abschnitt
Lfg. 1
with an introduction, translation and commentary by Ilya Gershevitch
University Press 1967 University of Cambridge Oriental publications no. 4
by Ilya Gershevitch
Ilya Gershevitch]
[s.n.] [1963]
Cambridge University Press 1959 University of Cambridge Oriental publications no. 4
Blackwell 1954 Publications of the Philological Society 16