Barlow, C. (Colin)
Colin Barlow, Sisira Jayasuriya, and C. Suan Tan
Routledge 2011 Routledge revivals
: hbk
edited by Colin Barlow, Francis Loh Kok Wah
Edward Elgar c2003
: pbk
penyusun, Jonathan Rigg ; penulis, Colin Barlow ... [et al.] ; tim penerjemah, Karsono H Saputra, Mundardjito, Leaurent Sipahelut
Diterbitkan oleh Buku Antar Bangsa untuk Grolier Intrenational , Penyalur tunggal Widyadara c2002 Indonesian heritage 2
edited by Colin Barlow
E. Elgar c2001
Edward Elgar c1999
volume editor, Jonathan Rigg ; volume editorial team, Sian Jay ... [et al.] ; authors, Colin Barlow ... [et al.]
Archipelago Press c1996 Indonesian heritage v. 2
edited by Colin Barlow and Joan Hardjono
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University , Institute of Southeast Asian Studies c1996
Colin Barlow and Mes Beeh
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies c1995 Economics Division working papers . Southeast Asia ; 95/5
Colin Barlow
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies c1995 Economics Division working papers . Southeast Asia, 95/3
by Malek bin Mansoor and Colin Barlow
Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia 1988 PORIM occasional paper 24
Colin Barlow and Thee Kian Wie
ASEAN Economic Research Unit, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies c1988 Occasional paper no. 82
Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, Dept. of Economics 1987 Working papers in trade and development no. 85/15
Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, Dept. of Economics : National Centre for Development Studies 1986 Working papers in trade and development no. 86/7
Colin Barlow and S.K. Jayasuriya
Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, Dept. of Economics : National Centre for Development Studies 1986 Working papers in trade and development no. 86/3
Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, Dept. of Economics : National Centre for Development Studies 1986 Working papers in trade and development no. 86/8
C. Barlow and H.V. Richter, editors
Development Studies Centre, Australian National University 1983
C. Barlow, S. Jayasuriya, and E.C. Price
International Rice Research Institute 1983
Oxford University Press 1978
Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries 1976, c1977
Lim Sow Ching and Colin Barlow
Economics and Planning Division, Rubber Research Institute of Malaya 1967
pt. 1 , pt. 2