Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames. Agricultural Adjustment Center
Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames. Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment
Iowa. Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames. Center for Agricultural and Economic Development
Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames. Center for Agricultural and Economic Development
Iowa State University. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development
Iowa State University. Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment
edited by George M. Beal, Ronald C. Powers, and E. Walter Coward, Jr
Iowa State University Press 1971 [1st ed.]
Iowa State University Press c1970
Iowa State University Press 1969
Iowa State University Press [1967] [1st ed.]
Iowa State University Press 1966
edited by Irma Adelman and Erik Thorbecke
Johns Hopkins Press, in cooperation with the Center for Agricultural and Economic Development of Iowa State University, Ames 1966
co-sponsored by the Center for Agricultural and Economic Development, Iowa State University of Science and Technology and the Agricultural Policy Institute North Carolina state
Iowa State University, Center for Agricultural and Economic Development [1965] CAED report 22
proceedings of a Conference held in Chicago, III., April 12-14, 1965
Iowa State University, Center for Agricultural and Economic Development [1965?] CAED report 24
Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Economic Development
Iowa State University Press c1965
assembled and published under the sponsorship of the Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Economic Development
Iowa State University Press c1964
Iowa State University Press c1963
assembled and published under the sponsorship of the Iowa State University, Center for Agriculture and Economic Adjustment
Iowa State University Press c1962
assembled and published under the sponsorship of the Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment
Iowa State University Press c1961
Assembled and published under the sponsorship of the National Committee on Agricultural Policy, the Farm Foundation, and the Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment at Iowa State University. Mervin G. Smith, director; Carlton F. Christian, editor
Iowa State University Press [1961]
Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment, Iowa State University
Center for Agricultural and Economic Development, College of Agriculture, Iowa State University of Science and Technology