Lazamon, fl. 1200
edition and translation with introduction, textual notes and commentary by W.R.J. Barron and S.C. Weinberg
University of Exeter Press 2001 Rev. ed Exeter medieval English texts and studies
ラヤモン著 ; 大槻博訳
大阪教育図書 1997.3
Wace and Layamon ; translated by Eugene Mason
University of Toronto Press in association with the Medieval Academy of America c1996 Medieval Academy reprints for teaching MART 35
: pbk
Lazamon ; edition and translation with textual notes and commentary, W.R.J. Barron and S.C. Weinberg
Longman c1995
Lawman ; translated by Rosamund Allen
J.M. Dent 1992 Everyman's library
Lawman ; translated with an introduction and notes by Rosamund Allen
J.M. Dent & Sons 1992
edition and translation with introduction, textual notes and commentary, W. R. J. Barron and S. C. Weinberg
Longman, 1991. c1989
translated by Donald G. Bzdyl
Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton 1989 Medieval & Renaissance texts & studies v. 65
edition and translation with introduction, textual notes and commentary, W.R.J. Barron and S.C. Weinberg
Longman 1989
edited by G.L. Brook ; with an introduction by C.S. Lewis
University of Exeter 1983 Rev. ed. / revised by John Levitt Exeter medieval English text
AMS Press 1970
: set , v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
Clarendon Press 1963 Clarendon medieval and Tudor series
by G.L. Brook and R.F. Leslie
Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press 1963-1978 Early English Text Society original series no. 250, 277
v. 1 , v. 2
Wace and Layamon ; translated by Eugene Mason ; introduction by Gwyn Jones
Dent , Dutton c1962 Everyman's library no. 578
edited from ms. Rawl. B 171, Bodleian Library, &c ; by Friedrich W.D. Brie, with introduction, notes, and glossary
Published for the Early English Text Societyby by the Oxford University Press 1960 Early English Text Society original series no. 131, 136
pt. 1 , pt. 2
edited from MS. Rawl. B 171, Bodleian Library, & c. by Friedrich W.D. Brie, with introduction, notes, and glossary
Kraus Reprint 1960-1971 Early English Text Society original series no. 131, 136
N. Bøgholm
Einar Munksgaard 1944 Travaux du Cercle linguistique de Copenhague v. 3
represented by Wace and Layamon ; [with an introduction by Lucy Allen Paton]
J.M. Dent , E.P. Dutton 1912 Everyman's library no. 578 ; Romance
[by] Wace and Layamon ; translated by Eugene Mason
Dent , Dutton 1912 Everyman's library no. 578