Loeb, James

Search Results61-80 of 130

  • Literary papyri, poetry texts, translations and notes

    by D.L. Page

    Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1962 Rev. ed The Loeb classical library 360 . Select papyri ; 3

    Available at 12 libraries

  • The civil war : books I-X

    Lucan ; with an English translation by J.D. Duff

    William Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1962 The Loeb classical library 220

    Available at 13 libraries

  • Catullus . Tibullus . Pervigilium Veneris

    translated by F.W. Cornish . translated by J.P. Postage . translated by J.W. Mackail

    Harvard University Press , William Heinemann 1962 Further rev. and repr The Loeb classical library 6

    : us , : uk

    Available at 99 libraries

  • Elegy and iambus : being the remains of all the Greek elegiac and iambic poets from Callinus to Crates excepting the choliambic writers with the Anacreontea

    newly edited and translated by J.M. Edmonds

    Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1961 The Loeb classical library 258-259

    v. 1 : us , v. 1 : uk , v. 2 : us , v. 2 : uk

    Available at 32 libraries

  • Ajax ; Electra ; Trachiniae ; Philoctetes

    Harvard University Press , William Heinemann 1961 The Loeb classical library 21 . Sophocles : in two volumes / with an English translation by F. Storr ; 2

    : us , : uk

    Available at 23 libraries

  • The letters

    Basilius ; with an English tr. by Roy J. Deferrari

    Harvard University Press , Heinemann 1961-1970 The Loeb classical library 190, 215, 243, 270

    v. 1 : us , v. 1 : uk , v. 2 , v. 3 : us , v. 3 : uk , v. 4 : us , v. 4 : uk

    Available at 12 libraries

  • The civil war : books I-X

    Lucan ; with an English translation by J.D. Duff

    William Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1957 The Loeb classical library 220

    Available at 7 libraries

  • Lucilius ; The twelve tables

    newly edited and translated by E.H. Warmington

    Harvard University Press , Heinemann 1957 The Loeb classical library 329 . Remains of old Latin : in four volumes ; 3

    : us , : uk

    Available at 43 libraries

  • Scripta minora

    Xenophon ; with an English translation by E.C. Marchant

    Harvard University Press , William Heinemann 1956 The Loeb classical library 183 . Xenophon : in seven volumes ; 7

    Available at 13 libraries

  • Ennius and Caecilius

    Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1956 Rev. ed The Loeb classical library 294 . Remains of old Latin / edited and translated by E.H. Warmington ; 1

    : us , : uk

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Silvae ; Thebaid I-IV

    Statius ; with an English translation by J.H. Mozley

    W. Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1955 Rev. and repr. [ed.] The Loeb classical library 206 . Statius : in two volumes ; 1

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Lycurgus ; Dinarchus ; Demades ; Hyperides

    with an English translation by J. O. Burtt

    W. Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1954 [Revised ed.] The Loeb classical library 395 . Minor Attic orators ; 2

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Isocrates : in three volumes

    [Isocrates] ; with an English translation by Larue Van Hook

    Harvard University Press , William Heinemann 1954 Rev. ed. The Loeb classical library

    v. 3

    Available at 4 libraries

  • I Clement ; II Clement ; Ignatius ; Polycarp ; Didache ; Barnabas

    Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1952 The Loeb classical library 24 . The Apostolic Fathers : in two volumes / with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake ; 1

    : us , : uk

    Available at 26 libraries

  • The Athenian constitution ; The Eudemian ethics ; On virtues and vices

    Aristotle ; with an English translation by H. Rackham

    W. Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1952 Rev. ed The Loeb classical library 285

    Available at 21 libraries

  • The lives of the sophists

    Philostratus and Eunapius ; with an English translation by Wilmer Cave Wright

    W. Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1952 The Loeb classical library 134

    Available at 14 libraries

  • De natura deorum ; Academica

    Cicero ; with an English translation by H. Rackham

    Harvard University Press 1951 Rev. and reprinted The Loeb classical library 268 . Cicero ; 19

    Available at 13 libraries

  • The little Carthaginian ; Pseudolus ; The rope

    Plautus ; with an English translation by Paul Nixon

    Harvard University Press , Heinemann 1951 The Loeb classical library 260 . Plautus : in five volumes ; 4

    : us , : uk

    Available at 60 libraries

  • Juvenal and Persius

    with an English translation by G.G. Ramsay

    William Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1950 Revised The Loeb classical library

    Available at 12 libraries

  • The letters of Alciphron, Aelian and Philostratus

    with an English translation by Allen Rogers Benner and Francis H. Fobes

    HaW. Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1949 The Loeb classical library 383

    Available at 6 libraries

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