Frontinus ; with an English translation by Charles E. Bennett ; edited by Mary B. McElwain ; translation of the aqueducts being a revision of that of Clemens Herschel
Harvard University Press 1997 The Loeb classical library 174
Harvard University Press 1993 The Loeb classical library 174
Frontinus ; with an English translation by Charles E. Bennett ; the translation of The aqueducts being a revision of that of Clemens Herschel ; edited and prepared for the press by Mary B. McElwain
Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1980 The Loeb classical library 174
American , British
Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1969 Repr The Loeb classical library 174
: us , : uk
Frontinus ; with an English translation by Charles E. Bennett ; the translation of the Aqueducts being a revision of that of Clemens Herschel ; edited and prepared for the press by Mary B. McElwain
Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1961 The Loeb classical library no. 174
: American , : British
Heinemann , G.P. Putnam 1925 The Loeb classical library 174