Speede, Iohn
Speed, Iohn
Spede, Iohn
Speede, John
J. S. (John Speed)
John Speed
Jonathan Potter in association with Drayton Manor Publishing 1991
:cloth bound , :leather bound
by John Speed ; introduction by Nigel Nicolson ; county commentaries by Alasdair Hawkyard
Published in association with the British Library [by] Pavilion 1988
avctore Nicolao Harpsfeldio ; adiecta brevi narratione de divortio Henrici VIII. regis ab uxore Catherina, & ab Ecclesia Catholica Romana disceßione ; scripta ab Edmvndo Campiano ; nunc primum in lucem producta studio & opera R.P. Richardi Gibboni
Gregg International 1971
John Speed ; with an introduction by R.A. Skelton
Theatrvm orbis terrarvm (Theatrum orbis terrarum) 1966 Theatrum orbis terrarum : series of atlases in facsimile 3rd series ; v. 6
Rand McNally c1966 [Reprint ed.] Portfolio of six antique maps / map selection and text by Carl H. Mapes
地図資料 (地図)
introduce and described by E.G.R. Taylor
Penguin Books 1951 King Penguin books series no.61
[by John J. Speed and James J. Bambrick, Jr.]
National Industrial Conference Board c1950 Studies in personnel policy no. 110
[by James J. Bambrick, Jr. and John J. Speed]
National Industrial Conference Board c1950 Studies in personnel policy no. 109
augmented by John Speed
Sold by Bassett & Richard Chiswell [1676]
Printed by Iohn Dauuson, for George Humble, ... 1632 3rd ed. / reuised, enlarged, and newly corrected, with sundry descents of the Saxons kings, their marriages and armes by Iohn Speed
by J. S
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
by I.S
[F. Kingston] Anno Dom. 1631
Ex officina Elzeuiriana a°1627 [i.e. 1630]
Ex officina Elzeuiriana 1627
newly augmented by I.S
Sold by Tho Baßett and Chiswell 1626
all of them newly augmented by I. S
Sold by Bassett & Chiswell 1626
Sold by G. Humble 1626
Printed by John Beale for G. Humble, ... 1623 2nd ed. / reuised, and enl. with sundry descents of the Saxons kings, their marriages and armes by John Speed