Kempe, Margery Burnham, b. ca. 1373
Kempe, Margerie, b. ca. 1373
Burnham, Margery, b. ca. 1373
translated with an introduction and notes by Anthony Bale
Oxford University Press 2015 Oxford world's classics
[マージェリー・ケンプ述] ; 石井美樹子, 久木田直江訳
慶應義塾大学出版会 2009.1
selected and introduced by Barry Collett ; general editors, Betty S. Travitsky and Anne Lake Prescott
Ashgate c2007 The early modern Englishwoman : a facsimile library of essential works ser. 1 . Printed writings, 1500-1640 ; pt. 4, v. 3
edited by Barry Windeatt
D.S. Brewer 2004 Annotated ed
translated from the Middle English with introduction, notes and interpretive essay, Liz Herbert McAvoy
D.S. Brewer 2003 Library of medieval women
translated and edited by Lynn Staley
W.W. Norton c2001 Norton critical editions
: pbk
Longman 2000 Longman annotated texts
: ppr , : csd
edited with introduction and glossary by Sanford Brown Meech ; with prefatory note by Hope Emily Allen ; and notes and appendices by Sanford Brown Meech and Hope Emily Allen
Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press 1997 [Repr. ed.] Early English Text Society original series 212
v. 1
edited by Lynn Staley
Published for TEAMS in Association with the University of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University 1996 Middle English texts
translated by B.A. Windeatt
Penguin , Viking Penguin 1985 Penguin classics
edited with introduction and glossary by Sanford Brown Meech ; with prefactory note by Hope Emily Allen ; and notes and appendices by Sanford Brown Meech and Hope Emily Allen
Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press 1961 Early English Text Society original series no. 212
a modern version by W. Butler-Bowdon ; with an introduction by R. W. Chambers
Oxford University Press 1954 The world's classics 543
Published for the Early English Text Society by H. Milford, Oxford University Press 1940 Early English Text Society original series no. 212