Colonna, Guido de, 13th cent
John Clerk of Whalley ; edited by Hiroyuki Matsumoto
University Education Press 2011 3rd ed
University Education Press 2010
University Education Press 2010 Rev. ed
グイド・デッレ・コロンネ著 ; 岡三郎訳・解説
国文社 2003.3 トロイア叢書 2
[translated by] John Clerk of Whalley ; edited by Hiroyuki Matsumoto
University of Michigan Press, for The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts c2002 The Society for early English & Norse electronic texts Series A ; 4
機械可読データファイル (光ディスク)
John Lydgate ; edited by Robert R. Edwards
Published for TEAMS in association with the University of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University 1998 Middle English texts
Guido delle Colonne ; edición de Manuel Antonio Marcos Casquero
Akal c1996 Akal/Clásicos latinos medievales y renacentistas 4
edited from the best manuscripts with introduction, notes, and glossary by Henry Bergen
Distributed for the Early English Text Society by Boydell & Brewer 1996 Early English Text Society extra series 97, 103, 106
pt. 1[-3]
Now first edited from the unique MS. in the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, with introd., notes, and a glossary, by the late rev. Geo. A. Panton and David Donaldson
Greenwood Press 1969 Early English Text Society original series
[Pragopress] c1968 Editio Cimelia Bohemica v. 4
edited from the unique manuscript in the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow by G.A. Panton and D. Donaldson
Published for the Early Englsih Text Society by the Oxford University Press 1968 Reprinted (as one volume) Early English Text Society original series no. 39, 56
[Колонне делле Гвидо]
General Microfilm Company [19--] Eighteenth-century Russian publications roll 218-1
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
General Microfilm Company [19--] Eighteenth-century Russian publications roll 217
General Microfilm Company [19--] Eighteenth-century Russian publications roll 216
General Microfilm Company [19--] Eighteenth-century Russian publications roll 214
[Колонне делле Гвидо] ; переведенная съ греческаго на россiйскiй Иваномъ Михайловымъ
ч. 1 , ч. 2 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
General Microfilm Company [19--] Eighteenth-century Russian publications roll 177
now first edited from the unique ms. in the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, with introduction, notes, and a glossary by Geo. A. Panton and David Donaldson
Published for the Early Englsih Text Society by N. Trübner 1869-1874 Early English Text Society original series 39, 56
[pt. 1] , pt. 2