Trypanis, Constantine Athanasius
Trypanēs, Kōnstantinos Athanasiou
Trypanis, Constantine A. (Constantine Athanasius)
edited by Paull Maas and C.A. Trypanis
Sandpiper Books 1997 Special ed
Konstantinos Athanasios Trypanis ; prefazione di Franco Montanari ; edizione italiana a cura di Lucia M. Raffaelli
Guerini e associati c1990
Callimachus ; edited and translated by C.A. Trypanis . Musaeus ; edited by Thomas Gelzer ; translated by Cedric Whitman
Harvard University Press 1989, c1975 The Loeb classical library 421
[acting translations by] C. A. Trypanis
Aris & Phillips c1986
by C.A. Trypanis
Faber and Faber 1981
University of Chicago Press 1981
Callimachus ; text, translation, and notes by C.A. Trypanis . Musaeus ; introduction, text, and notes by Thomas Gelzer ; with an English translation by Cedric Whitman
Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1978, c1975 The Loeb classical library 421
: us , : uk
C.A. Trypanis ; [translated by W.W. Phelps]
Aris & Phillips c1977
: cloth , : pbk
Andreas G. Lemos ; foreword by C.A. Trypanis ; translated by George Perris
Cassell 1976
Callimachus ; text, translation and notes by C.A. Trypanis . Musaeus ; introduction, text and notes by Thomas Gelzer ; with an English translation by Cedric Whitman
Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1975 The Loeb classical library 421
: American , : British
[by] C. A. Trypanis
Faber and Faber 1972
introduced and edited by Constantine A. Trypanis ; with plain prose translations of each poem
Penguin Books c1971 The Penguin poets
edited by Paul Maas and C.A. Trypanis
W. De Gruyter 1970
Constantine Amantos ; translated from the second Greek edition by Kenneth Johnstone ; with a preface by Constantine Trypanis
Argonaut 1969 1st American ed
Faber and Faber 1964
Clarendon Press 1963
Callimachus ; text, translation, and notes by C.A. Trypanis
W. Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1958 The Loeb classical library 421
Callimiachus ; text, translation and notes by C. A. Trypanis . Musaeus ; introduction, text and notes by Thomas Gelzer ; with an English translation by Cedric Whitman
Harvard University Press ; William Heinemann 1958 The Loeb classical library 421
U.S. , U.K.
Clarendon Press 1951