Stanley J. Baran, Dennis K. Davis
Oxford University Press c2021 8th ed
: pbk
Susan R. Beauchamp, Stanley J. Baran
Oxford University Press c2020 2nd ed
Oxford University Press c2017
Cengage Learning c2015 7th ed The Wadsworth series in mass communication and journalism . Research and theory
Stanley J. Baran
McGraw-Hill Education c2015 Updated 8th ed
McGraw-Hill c2013 Updated 7th ed
McGraw-Hill c2012 7th ed McGraw-Hill international editions
McGraw-Hill c2012 7th ed
McGraw-Hill Higher Education c2010 6th ed McGraw-Hill international editions , McGraw-Hill higher education
: international student ed
Wadsworth Cengage Learning c2009 5th ed The Wadsworth series in mass communication and journalism . Research and theory
: International student ed.
スタンリー・J・バラン, デニス・K・デイビス著 ; 李津娥 [ほか] 訳
新曜社 2007.5
上 , 下
McGraw-Hill c2007 Updated enhanced 4th ed
McGraw-Hill c2006 4th ed McGraw-Hill higher education
Thomson/Wadsworth c2006 4th ed The Wadsworth series in mass communication and journalism . Research and theory
McGraw-Hill c2004 3rd ed
McGraw-Hill c2004 3rd ed McGraw-Hill international editions
Wadsworth c2003 3rd ed The Wadsworth series in mass communication and journalism . Research and theory
McGrow-Hill c2002 2nd ed
Mayfield Pub. 2001 2001 update
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning c2000 2nd ed