Smith, Alexander
von A. Smith
G. Braun 1949 12. Aufl. / bearbeitet von J. D'Ans Wissenschaftliche Bücherei . Gruppe Chemie
by William F. Ehret
D. Appleton-Century [c1947] [5th ed.] / by James Kendall
D. Appleton-Century c1946 6th ed. / by William F. Ehret
by Smith Alexander & Kendall James & Ehret F. William
D. Appleton-Century 1946 3rd ed
by James Kendall
G. Bell c1937 2nd rev. ed
G. Bell 1935 3rd rev. ed.
D. Appleton-Century c1935 3rd rev. ed. / by James Kendall
Century [1932] 2nd revised ed
Century c1929 Rev. ed
Century c1926 revised and rewritten / by James Kendall
Alexander Smith [著] ; 䣝恂立 [ほか] 合譯 ; 鄭貞文, 孫豫壽校訂
商務印書館 1925.6 改正再版
G. Bell 1924 Rev. and rewritten / by James Kendall
by Alexander Smith
G. Bell & Sons 1923 3rd ed.
Century 1923 Rev. and rewritten / James Kendall
revised and rewritten by James Kendall
G. Bell 1923 [Rev. ed.]
von Alexander Smith ; Deutsche Bearbeitung von Ernst Stern
G. Braun 1922 5. Aufl. / Überarbeitet und ergänzt von J D'Ans
revised and rewritten by James Kendall and Edwin E. Slosson
The century c1922
G. Bell and Sons 1921 2. ed. (Entirely rewritten)
Century 1920 2nd ed. (Entirely rewritten)
Century 1919