Wright, Mary Helen
Helen Wright
Cambridge University Press c1987
[by] Mary Wright
Alison Hodge , Ethnographica Ltd. 1979
Edited by Samuel Rapport and Helen Wright ; Academic editorial adviser Joseph Bram
New York University Press 1967 The New York University library of science
edited by Helen Wright and Samuel Rapport
Harper & Row c1966 1st ed
by Helen Wright ; with an introduction by Ira S. Bowen
Dutton 1966 [1st ed]
edited by Harlow Shapley, Samuel Rapport and Helen Wright
Harper & Row c1965
edited by Samuel Rapport and Helen Wright
New York University Press 1964 The New York University library of science
Washington Square Press 1964 The New York University library of science
Washington Square Press 1964
edited by Harlow Shapley, Samuel Rapport and Helen Wright ; with an introduction by Shapley
Grolier c1963 5th rev. ed.
edited by Samuel Rapport and Helen Wright ; academic editorial adviser John R. Ragazzini
New York University Press c1963 The New York University library of science
edited by Samuel Rapport and Helen Wright ; academic editorial adviser: George M. Murphy
New York University Press 1963 The New York University library of science
edited by Samuel Rapport and Helen Wright ; academic editorial adviser, Hollis R. Cooley
edited by Samuel Rapport, Helen Wright ; with an introd. by Detlev W. Bronk
Dial Press 1961 2nd, rev. ed.
Harper & Bros. c1961
Spencer press c1958 4th rev. ed.
Harper c1958 4th rev. ed.
New American Library 1955 A mentor book MD264
: pbk