Attlee, Clement Richard Attlee, 1st earl
Attlee, C. (Clement)
Attlee, Clement
Attlee, Clement R. (Clement Richard)
Attlee, Clement Richard, Earl Attlee
Attlee, Clement Richard Attlee, Earl
Attlee, Earl
Ėttli, K.
Эттли, К.
アトリー, クレメント(アトリー, クレメント)
с предисловием Николая Старикова
Питер 2014 Николай Стариков рекомендует прочитать
edited by Frank Field
Continuum 2009
: [hard]
University Press of the Pacific c2003
Ken Coates ; with chapters by Clement Attlee ... [et al.]
Spokesman 1995
Изд-во пол. лит-ры 1989 Изд. 2-е Переписка Председателя Совета Министров СССР с президентами США и премьер-министрами Великобритании во время Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг. Том 1
Red Star Press 1983 Correspondence : between the chairman of the council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and the presidents of the U.S.A. and the prime Ministers of Great Britain during the great patriotic war of 1941-1945 v. 1
Documentary Publications 1978 Correspondence : between the chairman of the council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and the presidents of the U.S.A. and the prime Ministers of Great Britain during the great patriotic war of 1941-1945 v. 1
Изд-во полит. лит-ры 1976 Изд. 2-е Переписка Председателя Совета Министров СССР с президентами США и премьер-министрами Великобритании во время Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг. т. 1
W. W. Craik ; foreword by Aneurin Bevan. Sydney Hill and the National Union of Public Employees / William Craik ; foreword by Lord Moyle. The life story of W. J. Davis, j. p. : the industrial problem, achievements and triumphs of conciliation / by William A. Dalley. George Isaacs : printer, trade-union leader, cabinet minister / by G. G. Eastwood ; with a foreword by the Rt. Hon. C.R. Attlee. From crow-scaring to Westminster : an autobiography / by George Edwards ; foreword by Lord Ailwyn of Honingham ; introd. by W. R. Smith. Francis Place : the tailor of Charing Cross / by St. John G. Ervine. Mabon (William Abraham, 1842-1922) : a study in trade union leadership / by E. W. Evans ; pref. by A. Beacham. Bevin / by Trevor Evans. Jim Larkin : the rise of the underman / by R. M. Fox
World Microfilms Publications c1973
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
Stalin ... [et al.]
Editori riuniti 1968 3. ed Biblioteca di storia
Lord Williams of Barnburgh ; with a foreword by Earl Attlee
Hutchinson 1965
by the Rt. Hon. Earl Attlee
OxFord University Press 1961
Clement R. Attlee[ほか] ; 牧野力編註
南雲堂 1958.6 Nan'un-do's contemporary library
Гос. изд-во полит. лит-ры 1957 Переписка председателя Совета министров СССР с президентами США и премьер-министрами Великобритании во время Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг. т. 1
C. R. アトリー [著] ; 和田博雄, 山口房雄譯
新潮社 1955 一時間文庫
上巻 , 下巻
Margaret Cole ; preface by C.R. Attlee
Fabian Society [1955] Fabian biographical series No. 15 , Fabian tract No. 297
by C.R. Attlee
The Viking Press 1954
W. Heinemann 1954
by G. G. Eastwood ; with a foreword by the Rt. Hon. C.R. Attlee
Odhams Press [1952]
oleh C.R. Attlee ; [diterdjemahkan oleh L.E. Hakim]
Balai Pustaka 1950 Balai Pustaka no. 1779