Lehrburger, Egon
John und Sebastian Cabot ; herausgegeben aufgrund alter Quellen von Egon Larsen
Thienemann, Edition Erdmann c1985 Alte abenteuerliche Reiseberichte
Egon Larsen
Kabel c1984
Egon Larsen ; Vorwort von Peter Benenson
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag 1983 DTV 10081 , DTV Sachbuch
Abel J. Tasman ; herausgegeben, ins Deutsche übertragen und mit einem Vor- und Nachwort versehen von Egon Larsen
Edition Erdmann c1982 Alte abenteuerliche Reiseberichte
エゴン・ラーセン著 ; 新庄哲夫訳
ティビーエス・ブリタニカ 1981.9
Norton 1979 1st American ed
Egon Larsen ; Erläutert von Yukimori Nakamura
郁文堂 1978.4
[par] Egon Larsen ; trad. par M. Giacometti et S. Laroche
Payot 1973 Collection "Aux confins de la science"
by Franz Farga ; translated by Egon Larsen with Bruno Raikin ; with a chapter on British violin-makers by E. W. Lavender
Barrie & Rockliff, The Cresset Press 1969 2nd ed, revised and enlarged
Egon Larsen ; with 70 photographs and 117 line illustrations, including many especially drawn by George Lane
Dent , Roy 1969 Rev. ed
[by] Egon Larsen
Roy Publishers [1968]
Baker 1968
エーゴン・ラルゼン [著] ; 松谷健二訳
白水社 1964.1
by Egon Larsen ; with a foreword by Sir John Cockcroft
E. Ward 1962
by Egon Larsen with a foreword by Sir John Cockcroft
Franklin Watts 1962
Egon Larsen ; with 68 photographs and 112 line illustrations, including many especially drawn by George Lane
Phoenix House c1961
W. Goldmann 1960 Goldmanns gelbe Taschenbücher 674
Phoenix House , Roy Publishers c1958
Egon Larson
Phoenix House , Roy Publishers 1958
by Egon Larsen
Philosophical Library 1953