Majumdar, N. G. (Nani Gopal)
Nani Gopal Majumdar
Mazumdar, N. G. (Nani Gopal)
Nanī-Gopāla Majumdar
N.G. Majumdar ; with an introduction by B.N. Mukherjee
Asiatic Society 2008
edited with translation and notes by Nani Gopal Majumdar ; introduced by Debarchana Sarkar
Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar 2003 New ed
edited by Debala Mitra
Directorate of Archaeology and Museums, Govt. of West Bengal 1996
N.G. Majumdar
Eastern Book House 1987
by Sir John Marshall and Alfred Foucher ; with the texts of inscriptions edited, translated, and annotated by N.G. Majumdar
Swati Publications 1982
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
by N.G. Majumdar
Manager of Publications 1937 Archæological survey of India . A guide to the sculptures in the Indian Museum ; pt. 2
Manager of Publications 1937 Archæological survey of India . A guide to the sculptures in the Indian Museum ; pt. 1
Manager of Publications 1934 Memoirs of the Archæological Survey of India no. 48
बालवलभीभुजङ्गापरनाम-भट्टभवदेवेन प्रणीतम् ; गिरीशचन्द्रशर्म्मणा संस्कृतम् = by Bhatta Bhavadeva ; edited by Girish Chandra Vedantatirtha
Varendra Research Society 1927 सवितारायस्मृतिसंरक्षण-ग्रन्थमाला
by Sir John Marshall and Alfred Foucher ; with the texts of inscriptions edited, translated and annotated by N.G. Majumdar
[s.n.] , Government of India Press [manufacture] [19--?]