Elmore, R. F. (Richard F.)
エルモア, リチャード・F.(エルモア, リチャード・F.)
エリザベス・A・シティ, リチャード・F・エルモア, サラ・E・フィアマン, リー・テイテル著 ; 八尾坂修監訳
風間書房 2015.10
Vivian Troen, Katherine C. Boles ; foreword by Richard F. Elmore
Corwin c2012
: paper w/cd
Stephanie Hirsh and Shirley Hord ; with a foreword by Richard Elmore
Learning Forward c2012
: pbk
edited by Richard F. Elmore
Harvard Education Press c2011
: pbk.
Patrick Baccellieri ; foreword by Richard F. Elmore
Shell Education c2010
リチャード・エルモア著 ; 神山正弘訳
同時代社 2006.6
Richard F. Elmore
Harvard Education Press c2004
: hbk , : pbk
edited by Susan H. Fuhrman, Richard F. Elmore
Teachers College Press c2004 Critical issues in educational leadership series
edited by Martin Carnoy, Richard Elmore, and Leslie Santee Siskin
RoutledgeFalmer 2003
Richard F. Elmore y colaboradores
Fondo de Cultura Económica 1996 Sección de obras de educación y pedagogía
edited by Bruce Fuller and Richard F. Elmore with Gary Orfield ; foreword by Carol H. Weiss
Teachers College Press c1996 Sociology of education series
: cloth , : pbk
Richard F. Elmore, Penelope L. Peterson, Sarah J. McCarthey
Jossey-Bass Publishers c1996 1st ed
Richard F. Elmore, Susan H. Fuhrman, editors
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development c1994 Yearbook / Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development of the National Education Association (ASCD) 1994
Richard F. Elmore and associates
Jossey-Bass 1990 1st ed The Jossey-Bass education series
Richard F. Elmore, Milbrey Wallin McLaughlin
Ballinger c1982 Rand educational policy study
edited by Walter Williams, Richard F. Elmore
Academic Press c1976 Quantitative studies in social relations