Masters, Jean Houston
Claire Dunne ; [foreword by Olivier Bernier ; introduction by Jean Houston]
Watkins, in association with the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation, New York 2015 [New ed.]
Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna, and Ralph Abraham ; foreword by Jean Houston
Park Street Press c2001
Robert Masters and Jean Houston
Park Street Press c2000
Jean Houston
J.P. Tarcher/Putnam c1997 2nd ed
David Feinstein, Stanley Krippner ; introduction by Jean Houston ; foreword to original edition by June Singer ; illustrations by Gayle Gray
Putnam c1997
by Jean Houston with Margaret Rubin
Quest Books c1995 1st Quest ed
Gespräche mit Jean Houston , herausgegeben von Anita Bachmann
Knaur 1987 Originalausgabe Knaur-Taschenbücher 3871
Robert Masters, Jean Houston ; mit einem Vorwotr von Moshé Feldenkrais ; [Übersetzung aus dem Amerikanischen, Wolfgang Stifter]
Kösel 1986, c1983 2. Aufl
J.P. Tarcher , Distributed by Houghton Mifflin c1982 1st ed
Robert Masters & Jean Houston ; illustrations by Doris Rodewig
Delacorte Press c1978
Dell c1972 A Delta book
Robert E. Masters, Jean Houston ; mit 140 Abbildungen, davon 30 in Farben
Droemer Knaur 1971, c1968 Vollständige Taschenbuchausgabe
Robert E. L. Masters et Jean Houston, avec la collaboration de Barry N. Schwartz et du Stanley Krippner ; sous la direction de Marshall Lee
Pont Royal 1968
[by] David G. Hays, Bozena, Henisz-Dostert, Jean I. Houston ...[et al.]
Rand Corp. 1968- Research memorandum RM-5733-PR, RM-6223-PR
1967 , 1968
Robert E.L. Masters & Jean Houston ; with contributions by Barry N. Schwartz & Stanley Krippner ; edited, designed, and produced by Marshall Lee
Grove Press 1968 A Balance House book
by R. E. L. Masters and Jean Houston
Holt, Rinehart and Winston c1966 [1st ed.]
by R.E.L. Masters and Jean Houston
Dell Pub. Co. c1966 A Delta book