Baruch, Dorothy W
バルック, ドロシー(バルック, ドロシー)
by Dorothy W. Baruch ; illustrations by Yoshie Noguchi
Charles E. Tuttle 1964 1st ed
Dorothy Walter Baruch [and] Hyman Miller
Harper & Brothers c1962 A Hoeber-Harper Book
Harper & Row c1962
by Dorothy W. Baruch ; pictures by Mary Chalmers
Harper c1959
[Dorothy W. Baruch ... et al.]
Field Enterprises Educational Corp. ; c1954 Childcraft : in fifteen volumes v. 12
by Dorothy W. Baruch ; Illus. by Lois Fisher
McGraw-Hill c1953
Dorothy W. Baruch ; medical collaboration by Hyman Miller
Julian Press c1952
by Dorothy Walter Baruch ; illustrations by Lois Fisher
Whittlesey House c1949
by Elizabeth Montgomery and Dorothy Baruch ; William S. Gray, reading director ; illustrated by Ruth Steed
Scott, Foresman c1948 Health and personal development series , Curriculum foundation program
by Dorothy Baruch and Elizabeth Montgomery ; William S. Gray, reading director ; illustrated by Miriam Story Hurford
Scott, Foresman c1948 Health and personal development series C
by Dorothy Baruch, Elizabeth Montgomery
Scott, Foresman c1948 Health and personal development series 4
by Dorothy Baruch and Elizabeth Montgomery ; William S. Gray, reading director ; illustrated by Eleanor Campbell
Scott, Foresman c1948 Curriculum foundation series . Health and personal development ; A
by William S. Gray, Dorothy Baruch, and Elizabeth Rider Montgomery ; illustrated by Eleanor Campbell
Scott, Foresman c1946 Curriculum foundation series . Basic readers
Scott, Foresman c1946 The 1946-47 ed Curriculum foundation program . Basic readers
Scott, Foresman c1946 Curriculum foundation series . Health and personal development ; C
Scott, Foresman c1944 Curriculum foundation series . Health and personal development ; B
by Dorothy W. Baruch ; pictures by Charles G. Shaw
William R. Scott c1943