Bonaparte, Charles-Louis-Napoléon, Emperor of the French
Bonaparte, Louis-Napoléon, Emperor of the French
Bonaparte, Napoléon-Louis, Emperor of the French
Louis-Napoléon, Emperor of the French
Ludwik Napoleon, Emperor of the French
par S. M. I. Napoleon III
D. Appleton 1866
t. 2e
Harper 1866 History of Julius Cæsar vol. 2
Cassell, Peter, and Galpin 1865-1866
v. 1 , v. 2
Carl Gerold's Sohn ,1865-1866
1. Bd. , 2. Bd.
[by Napoleon III. ; translated by T. Wright]
Cassell, Petter and Galpin [1865-1866]
vol. 1 , vol. 2
Plon 1865-1866
tom. 1 , tom. 2
[par Napoléon III]
Plon, Imprimeur-Éditeur 1865
Typ. de Henri Plon 1860
par Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte
Henri Plon : Amyot 1860
Napoleon III.
Hoffmann und Campe 1859
by the author of 'Adaptability,' etc., etc
Holyoake and Co. [1856] Conclusions of reason on important subjects No. 8 . Definitions and demonstrations of the new philosophy ; Part 1
Plon ; Amyot 1856
t. 1er , t. 2e , t. 3e , t. 4e
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
Librairie d'Amyot 1854-1869
t. 1er , t. 2e , t. 3e , t. 4e , t. 5e
Typographie Plon frères 1853
Published at the office of the Illustrated London library 1852
[Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte]
[Impr. Nationale] [1850]
Imprimerie Centrale de Napoléon Chaixe et C[ie] [1849]
= by John Minter Morgan Extinction of paurerism / by Louis Napoleon Bonaparte ; Extinction du paurérisme / par Louis Napoléon Bonaparte
Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans 1849
[s.n.] 1848 4e ed