Haas, George Christian Otto
by Robert Ernest Hume ; with a list of recurrent and parallel passages by George C.O. Haas
Oxford University Press 1995 2nd ed., rev., 1st Indian pbk ed Oxford India paperbacks
by Dhanaṃjaya ; now first translated from the Sanskrit with the text and an introduction and notes by George C.O. Haas
AMS Press 1965 Columbia University Indo-Iranian series v. 7
Motilal Banarsidass 1962
translated from the Sanskrit with an outline of the philosophy of the Upanishads and an annotated bibliography by Robert Ernest Hume ; with a list of recurrent and parallel passages by George C.O. Haas
Oxford University Press 1949 2nd ed., rev
translated from the Sanskrit with an outline of the philosophy of the Upanishads and an annotated bibliogaphy by Robert Ernest Hume
Oxford University Press 1931 2nd ed., rev. with a list of recurrent and parallel passages / by George C.O. Haas
with references to other Sanskrit texts by George C.O. Haas
[s.n.] 1922
Columbia University Press 1912 Columbia University Indo-Iranian series v. 7