by Sir Aurel Stein ; with an appendix by Sten Konow
The Director General, Archaeological Survey of India c1998 Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India no. 37
edited by Sten Konow
Archaeological Survey of India 1991 Corpus inscriptionum indicarum v. 2, pt. 1
by Bimala Churn Law . . edited by Sten Konow
Swati Publications 1991 Memoirs of the archæological survey of India no. 67-69
Swati Publications 1991 Memoirs of the archæological survey of India binding no. 15 (memoir no. 37)
by Sten Konow
Gian Pub. House 1986
Sten Konow ; translated from original German by S.N. Ghosal
General Printers & Publishers 1969 [1st ed.]
Indological Book House 1969 Corpus inscriptionum indicarum v. 2, pt. 1
critically edited in the original Prakrit, with a glossarical index, and an essay on the life and writings of the poet by Sten Konow ; translated into English with notes by Charles Rockwell Lanman
Motilal Banarsidass 1963 2nd issue Harvard oriental series vol. 4
Sten Konow and Poul Tuxen
G.E.C. Gad 1949
H. Aschehoug 1949
I kommisjon hos J. Dybwad 1945 (1946 printing) Avhandlinger utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo 2 ; Hist.-filos. klasse ; 1945, no. 1
I kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad 1941 Avhandlinger utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo 2 . Hist.-filos. klasse ; 1940, no. 4
von Sten Konow
Otto Harrassowitz 1941 Porta linguarum orientalium 22
Dybwad 1941 Avhandlinger utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo 2 . Hist.-filos. klasse,. 1941, no. 1
by Folke Bergman ; descriptive lists of textiles by Vivi Sylwan ; appendices by Sten Konow, and Hjalmar Ljungh
Bokförlags aktiebolaget Thule 1939 Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin : the Sino-Swedish Expedition publication 7 ; 7 ; Archaeology ; 1
Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Kommission bei Walter de Gruyter 1935 Sonderausgabe aus den Sitzungsberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften . Phil.-Hist. Klasse ; 1935, 18
[Akademie der Wissenschaften in Kommission bei Walter de Gruyter] [1935]
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Kommission bei Walter de Gruyter 1935
Oslo Etnografiske Museum 1932 Bulletin / Oslo Etnografiske Museum 5
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
[1] , [2]