Francis Wyndham ; introduction by Alan Hollinghurst
New York Review Books [2009], c1992 New York review books classics
Bruce Chatwin ; introduction by Francis Wyndham ; designed by David King ; edited by David King and Francis Wyndham
J. Cape 1993
Francis Wyndham
J. Cape 1987
selected and edited by Francis Wyndham and Diana Melly
Penguin 1985 Penguin twentieth-century classics
A. Deutsch 1984
by Francis Wyndham
Published for the British Council by Longman 1977 Rev. ed Writers and their work 67
フランシス・ウィンダム著 ; 宮下忠二訳
研究社出版 1972.2 英文学ハンドブック : 「作家と作品」 第2期 No.52
by Francis Wyndham and David King
Praeger 1972
Penguin Books 1972
: hardback , : pbk
Jean Rhys ; introduction by Francis Wyndham
Penguin 1968 Penguin modern classics
Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green 1968 Rev. ed Bibliographical series of supplements to "British book news" on writers and their work no. 67
Andre Deutsch 1966
Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green 1966 Rev. ed Bibliographical series of supplements to "British book news" on writers and their work no. 67
[photography by David Bailey] ; notes by Francis Wyndham
Weidenfeld & Nicolson [1965]
Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green 1962 Rev. ed Bibliographical series of supplements to "British book news" on writers and their work no. 67
Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green 1958 Rev Bibliographical series of supplements to "British book news" on writers and their work no. 67
by Margaret Bottrall . by Bonamy Dobrée . by J. Middleton Murry . by C.V. Wedgwood . by J.M. Cameron . by Ian Scott-Kilvert . by R.A. Scott-James . by E.W.F. Tomlin . by John Heath-Stubbs . by J.C. Hall . by Clifford Dyment . by Francis Wyndham
Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green 1956 Writers & their work v. 6
by Kenneth Allott . by J. Middleton Murry . by Clifford Dyment . by John Heath-Stubbs . by E.W.F. Tomlin . by R.A. Scott-James . by C.V. Wedgwood . by Francis Wyndham . by Margaret Bottrall . by Ian Scott-Kilvert
Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green 1955 Bibliographical series of supplements to "British book news" on writers and their work no. 60-69
Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green 1955 Bibliographical series of supplements to "British book news" on writers and their work no. 67
Edith Wharton ; with an introduction note by Francis Wyndham
John Lehmann 1954