Dooren, Petrus Johannes van
Dooren, P. J. van (Pierre J.)
Van Dooren, Pierre J.
Frans van Baardewijk ; editorial committee, P.J. van Dooren ... [et al.]
Royal Tropical Institute 1993 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v. 14
Nico Dros ; editorial committee, P.J. van Dooren ... [et al.]
Royal Tropical Institute 1992 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v. 13
Adrian Clemens, J. Thomas Lindblad, Jeroen Touwen ; editorial committee, P.J. van Dooren ... [et al.]
Royal Tropical Institute 1992 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v. 12b
W.L. Korthals Altes ; editorial committee, P.J. van Dooren, J.B.D. Derksen, P.W. Klein
Royal Tropical Institute 1991 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v.12a
P. Boomgaard, A.J. Gooszen ; editorial committee, P.J. van Dooren ... [et. al.]
Royal Tropical Institute 1991 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v.11
P. Boomgaard, J.L. van Zanden ; editorial committee, P.J. van Dooren ... [et al.]
Royal Tropical Institute 1990 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v.10
Gerrit J. Knaap ; editorial committee, P.J. van Dooren ... [et al.]
Royal Tropical Institute 1989 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v. 9
W.A.I.M. Segers ; editorial committee, P.J. van Dooren ... [et al.]
Royal Tropical Institute 1987, c1988 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v. 8
W.L. Korthals Altes ; editorial committee, P.J. van Dooren ... [et al.]
Royal Tropical Institute 1987 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v. 7
J.T.M. van Laanen ; editorial commitee P.J. van Dooren ... [et al.]
M. Nijhoff 1980 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v. 6
initiated by W.M.F. Mansvelt ; re-edited and continued by P. Creutzberg ; editorial committee P.J. van Dooren ... [et al.]
Nijhoff 1979 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v. 5
initiated by W.M.F. Mansvelt ; re-edited and continued by P. Creutzberg ; editorial committee, P.J. van Dooren ... [et al.]
M. Nijhoff 1978 Changing economy in Indonesia : a selection of statistical source material from the early 19th century up to 1940 v. 4