フランシスコ・パチェーコ著 ; スペイン・ラテンアメリカ美術史研究会編・訳
スペイン・ラテンアメリカ美術史研究会 2019.4
[by Francisco Pacheco] ; with an introduction and the Spanish text translated by Jeremy Roe and Carles Gutiérrez Sanfeliu ; and the Latin text translated by José Solís de los Santos
Saint Joseph's University Press c2017 Early modern Catholicism and the visual arts series v. 16
: hardcover
Francisco Pacheco ; edición, introducción y notas de Bonaventura Bassegoda i Hugas
Cátedra c2009 3a ed
by Francisco Pacheco and Antonio Palomino ; translated by Nina Ayala Mallory ; with an introduction by Michael Jacobs
Pallas Athene 2006
Cátedra c2001 2a ed Arte Grandes temas
Francisco Pacheco
MLibrary [20--?] Reprints from the collection of the University of Michigan Library
v. 1 , v. 2
Cátedra c1990 Arte Grandes temas
Francisco Pacheco ; preliminar, notas e índices de F. J. Sanchez Canton
Istitvto de Valencia de Don Juan 1956
t. 1 , t. 2