クワーク, スティーヴン(クワーク, スティーヴン)
edited by Gianluca Miniaci, Marilina Betrò, Stephen Quirke
Peeters 2017 Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 262
edited by Mark Collier, Stephen Quirke
BAR Pub. 2016 BAR international series 1083
: pbk
BAR Pub. 2016 BAR international series 1471
Stephen Quirke ; including publication of Petrie Museum examples photographed by Gianluca Miniaci, and drawn from the photographs by Andrew Boyce
Golden House Publications 2016 Middle Kingdom studies 3
: hardcover
Stephen Quirke
Wiley Blackwell 2015 Blackwell ancient religions
: cloth , : pbk
edited by Diana Magee, Janine Bourriau and Stephen Quirke
Peeters 2009 Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 185
edited by Janet Picton, Stephen Quirke, Paul C. Roberts
Left Coast Press c2007 Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London
Archaeopress , Hadrian Books [distributor] 2006 BAR international series 1471
Betsy Teasley Trope, Stephen Quirke, Peter Lacovara
Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University c2005
: [pbk]
edited by Mark Collier, Stephen Quirke ; with a chapter by Annette Imhausen and Jim Ritter
British Archaeological Reports 2004 BAR international series 1209
Archaeopress : Available from Hadran Books 2002 BAR international series 1083
Thames & Hudson 2001
リチャード・パーキンソン, スティーヴン・クワーク著 ; 近藤二郎訳
學藝書林 1999.6 大英博物館双書 . 古代エジプトを知る||コダイ エジプト オ シル ; 2
edited by Stephen Quirke
Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Press 1997
Werner Forman and Stephen Quirke
British Museum Press 1996
Richard Parkinson & Stephen Quirke ; with contributions by Ute Wartenberg & Bridget Leach
British Museum Press c1995 Egyptian・bookshelf
Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Press c1992
edited by Stephen Quirke and Jeffrey Spencer
Thames and Hudson c1992
SIA 1991
SIA Pub. 1990